
My 2010 and a Happy New Year for 2011

Of course we are at the end of another year, personally 2010 has been quite a rollercoaster ride, with many ups and downs in my personal life. Thankfully it is ending on a happy note, as is the financial side of life-2010 will be seen going out with NO credit card debt and NO consumer or personal loans-I've never been out of debt all my adult life and now I only have mortgage debt to contend with, I feel like its a massive achievement and a millstone gone to finally see the back of financial borrowings.

I can't say that I won't ever borrow in the future, but it will be planned and necessary borrowing if I do and may well involve sprucing up my little house which could do with some TLC in all areas. Personally, I also need to invest in some new specs, my ones are like looking through a permanent haze of fog, but I'll save for these.

I've achieved my debt free status mainly through a frugal lifestyle of thrifting and my love of style and fashion has seen me through these lean years. I am very fortunate to say that I have a fabulous wardrobe of designer clothes, handbags and accessories which have either been mainly from charity shops, boot sales, ebaying or from family.

After another wardrobe reorganisation yesterday with a few pieces going to my local charity shop, I can honestly say that I do have a very covetable wardrobe that I have been proud to build up without incurring any long lasting financial burdens as well.

I will cherish and respect what I have and continue to thrift, not out of necessity, but out of enjoyment-it really is a favourite hobby now.

I'm not sure what 2011 will bring for me in the way of goals and plans-I have a part time job which gives me excellent working hours, all the school holidays and a truly wonderful family of fellow workmates, so I would need any future career change to meet or exceed these things I already have-I'm not money motivated, I just want to be happy in my chosen plans for the future, whatever it brings.

With this in mind, I sincerely wish all my followers, readers and fellow blogger friends a Very Happy and Peaceful New Year and a Successful 2011.


Christina @ Fashion's Most Wanted said...

Dear Sharon, well done for clearing your debts. I have one loan left which is a pain but won't be for much longer. No credit cards either, they're too tempting!

I'm glad thrifting is your hobby, you're brilliant at it and I love to see you finds. It's much more fun getting a bargain isn't it?

Wishing you tons of love and happiness in 2011. Love Christina xx

Make Do Style said...

Oh Sharon you brought tears to my eyes! You are a wonderful inspiration in everything, love, life, work and spending. I hope that I can say the same to about getting rid of my debts - nearly there!

I think you could do your house up in the same manner as you have your wardrobe. Have a wonderful 2011 you truly truly deserve it xxx

Mo said...

That was a really lovely post. What a wonderful feeling to start the new year with. May that feeling stay with you.

Happy new year


Pearl Westwood said...

Hi Sharon, firsty very well done my love for clearing all your debts, I have managed to clear my terrible shopping ones and am hoping to the future where all my study debts are gone too. I do wish you all the best for 2011, and heres to many more fabulous blog post, you really are an inspiration xxx Pearl

CameronPoe2409 said...

To be debt-free is such an achievement and inspiration in this current climate, well done and have a wonderful new year! xx

Rebecca said...

How satisfied you must be to look back on the year and see the progress and results of your deliberate choices. It is an inspiration to many others, I know.

I'm not $ motivated either, and COULD continue to thrift--I DO so enjoy it! However, my house is full. Unless I get rid of at least 2 pieces for every new one that enters our door, I will refrain and try to develop ANOTHER "hobby".

I look forward to another year of inspiration advice and fashion cues from your blog.

God bless you and your family in 2011!

Sharon S said...

I just want to say a big thank you Christina, Kate, Mo, Pearl, Clare and Rebecca-your kind words mean so much to me and you are all a continuing source of constant inspiration. I do so love your blogger friendships and I wish you all a very Happy, Healthy and Successful 2011.

Seeker said...

Such a lovely post my dear!!!! And I bet you're feeling like if it's a new start.
Just look at your smile.... it brights the all world and comes into our hearts.
Thank you for your wishes and may 2011 be a blessed year for all, you I know deserve it.

ellie said...

So wish you a beautiful new year! Its good to find happiness, especially with work, co-workers and of course family. These are very important things. Wishing you all the best in style and thrifting you. Thanks for being you.

Life In a Little House said...

We had much of a rollercoaster this year as well. So I am excited to see the new year rolling in...That is wonderful with the way you have managed your finances. What a blessing!! I have enjoyed seeing your wonderful outfits such inspiration for this little wallflower~ Wishing you a Fabulous 2011 ~Love Heather

blabla said...

Happy new year!

Belle de Ville said...

Sharon, congratulations on clearing up your credit card debt!!!!
May 2011 be your best year ever!

yiqin; said...

You are still looking good :) happy holidays!

Vix said...

Happy New Year, Sharon! Your posts are a constant inspiration and your beautiful smile and elegant style never fail to make me happy. Wishing you and your lovely family all the best for 2011. xxx

lunarossa said...

Congratulations, dear Sharon, and maybe your 2011 be happy, healthy and full of achievements! Hugs. Ciao. A.

elegancemaison said...

It's been an odd year for me, but one of the best things I did was to get Blogging! I have met lots of new 'virtual' friends, many of whom have been a great inspiration to me in real life. One of the many highlights was meeting you for real Sharon. You're an absolute star. Wishing you and your family (pls remember me to Chris), a very happy and prosperous 2011 and hoping we get to meet up again.Cx

Cadmium said...

Happy New Year Sharon! Hope it's a good one, full of great thrift finds and happiness in all areas of life.

hippyatheart said...

really a very lovely post! I'm happy you solved your troubles and had a great end of the year! your thrifting bargains are always very inspiring and I love the fact that you have your own sense of style! love your blog a lot, it is one of my favourites!

kind regards and all the best for 2011!

J. said...

How inspirational! You really do have an amazing wardrobe, you should be proud of both your accomplishment and that!

Sharon S said...

Hi everyone-wishing you all a very Happy and Peaceful 2011 and thanks so very much for all the lovely comments, I appreciate every single one xxx

Caroline said...

Happy New Year to you, too, Sharon - hope it's a good one for you and your loved ones x

Siljesfashion said...

Dear Sharon, I am so happy for you. A life withouth debt sounds very good, what a great note to start the new year on. I wish all the best for you and your family for 2011! Hope you continue to inspire us with your thrifting!

Smashingbird said...

Big congrats for clearing your debts it must be a huge relief, I hope 2011 is a fab one for you. x

Style, She Wrote said...

Great leather skirt! xo style, she wrote

devilishlypleasurable said...

Congratulations on being debt-free. You're one of my prime inspirations on thrifting. . and may thrifting magic continue to shine upon you x

WendyB said...

Big congrats to you!

Unknown said...

How aaaaaawesome that you're debt free! I know for us 2010 was a year that started off ok, rapidly got so bad I didn't know if I'd even survive, and then got better sloooowly until it ended in the best way. I'm glad about that, but I don't want another roller coaster like that this year too, lol! I think 2011 will be quite sleepless for me! ;o) But it will be amazing too. Can't wait!

laura said...

Hello! Sharon how great that you're debt free..what a year you've had!

I hope you have a fantastic 2011 x

PS. Are you going to attack that mortgage now? :)


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