
Oh To Be Tagged!!

Hello darlings!! The fabulous danz@fatalfashionattraction has tagged me! As nearly all my favourite bloggers have been well and truly tagged already, I will give your six unamazing quirks about myself-ha ha ha!!

Edna Mode Rules-OK!

1. When I go thrifting at the boot sales or charity shops, I always try and get rid of something existing in my wardrobe to give to the charity shop-I love my clothes but just don't like overload in my drawers and wardrobes!!
2. I've developed a serious addiction to McDonalds Crunchie Deluxe McFlurrys-oh, they are gorgeous-I've had one every other day since Sunday (plus cheeseburger and chips beforehand!)
3. Is it a woman thing or me-I'm never satisfied with what I've got-clothes wise, that is!! I have a wishlist, go and get the said items, then I'm onto the next thing which I haven't got and must have!
4. I worry too much-I think that is definitely a woman thing!!
5. I adore summer sun-we had a heatwave from last week to this Tuesday-now its freezing and I'm worried us British have had our summer already! (Another thing to worry about)
6. I would like a dog or a cat, but we already have a hamster-his name is James and he loves climbing the bars of his cage-I will take a picture of him while he hangs from the roof of his cage-he is really cute!
Must fly, darlings-so much to do-ha ha ha!!


WendyB said...

I feel I worry too much, and then I worry about the worrying. I worry that one day, I'll really have something to worry about and then I'll regret the years I spent worrying about nothing.

Sharon S said...

Yes-it feels like your head is going to explode from worry overload!

Ida said...

So hilarious!! Love it all, especially the 3rd&4th. Couldn't have said it better:))

Sharon S said...

Hi Ida-us lovely ladies take on the worries of the world, I think!!

Pamcasso said...

I obsessively edit my closet and try to get rid of stuff every few months so I can get more. I'm such a good little consumer! Also, my wishlists are eternal. They also have different categories, you know, I need this is one, if I find this I will pay anything (not really) for it, etc...

Sharon S said...

I'm so pleased I'm not the only one, pamcasso-it's amazing how 'female logic' works-we use to our own advantage, I think!!

Siljesfashion said...

Love that you try to get rid of something. I am a saver, but give away anything that dont fit me anymoore. Its a woman thing to worry, I take myself in doing that every day. I love sun, summer is my favorite part of the year. And Edna has some serious style!

saray said...

we all want nore and more cloth!
can't get enough :)

Sharon S said...

Hi Siljes-yes, I create excuses to give things away that I don't want-such as it doesn't fit (properly), don't like the style on me,etc!! I totally agree, I so miss the sun when it's not here-it's officially in hiding at the moment!!

Hi saray-tell me about it-why are we never satisfied!!

Danz said...

lol yes!! Edna rules and so do u :)

Sharon S said...

Thanks danz-she rocks, doesn't she-ha ha!!


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