
She's Bad!!!

As I went to see Indiana Jones-a typical 'guys blockbuster', the only photo I'm showing of the film is of Cate Blanchett, playing a baddie and looking very 'haute' (couture) in this seasons trend of a jumpsuit-he he!!

I wonder why she chose Edna Mode as a style icon for her hairstyle?
"Isn't it obvious dahlings?"
Anyway the film is an absolute blast and I highly recommend any of you with husbands, boyfriends, brothers or sons to take them! I really enjoyed it-it was action packed and had excellent special effects-plus for all younger ladies out there, a bit of totty in the form of Shia LaBeouf-he has certainly blossomed into a fine looking young man, certainly from that geeky boy in Even Stevens (a programme which me and the boys still enjoy watching!).
When the film finished I could of just snuck out of one door into the next, where Sex and the City was showing-but I had my Robert with me-so off I trot tomorrow or Saturday again-
I really cannot wait to see this!!


WendyB said...

Edna Mode needs to be the star of her own movie.

Sharon S said...

Oh I totally agree Wendy-she rocks!!

yiqin; said...

Ohyes! I wish I will be able to rock that hairstyle as well too!

Sharon S said...

Hi yiqin-thanks for stopping by my blog! Oh I agree too-it's a fab style!!

Make Do Style said...

Oh glad you enjoyed Indiana - I shall go now and do go and see SATC v.soon - you'll love it!

Sharon S said...

Thanks Kate-I really cannot wait, I'm so excited!!

Winnie said...

Edna Mode is great! haha, I'm seeing SATC tomorrow and I cannot wait!

Siljesfashion said...

Great! Will take my husband to see it! Only one more week (and a day) to the SATC premiere!!!!!!!

Mikkle said...

lol i thought the same about the hair! but leave it to Cate to be able to rock it! thanks for stopping by my blog as well. would be glad to link with you!

Sharon S said...

Hi Winnie!! Yes, I'm going to try and go later today, if not, tomorrow-yay!!

Hi silje-hope you enjoy Indiana-I thought it was really good! Not too long now for satc!!!

Hi Mikkle-lol!! Edna rocks!You are linked too!!

Charlotte said...

I've got the same belt like this girl! It's the belt of the Russian army!

Sharon S said...

Hi Charlotte!! Yes Cate Blanchett was playing a KGB spy, so this explains the belt-very chic!!


I saw this movie last weekend too. And I agree, as soon as I saw her in the jumpsuit, I thought fabulous and wanted one. I love the boots she had paired with them too (just not the haircut)...

J.M. Powell said...

okay, i had to laugh when i saw the comparison. also, loving your 50's style dress, so sjp.

Sharon S said...

Hi fashionchalet-I agree-Cate made an army uniform look very chic!!

Hi juliam-yes I'm sure Cate was thinking "It has to be Ednas style-or nothing!"Lol!! Thanks so much about the dress!!-It is actually

The Fancier said...

I like your funny comparison! I just love Edna!

Sharon S said...

Hi august!! She is great, like wendyb says, she should be in her own movie-ha ha!!

Danz said...

Cate looks gorgeous with that hair! Then again, when doesn't she look gorgeous? I can't wait to see this movie...mostly because of Shia though hehe. Keep on being your fabulous self dahling!

Sharon S said...

Hi danz-yes cate is lovely-thanks for your lovely comments too, dahling!!


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