
Ossie Clark

As you are aware from my blog and website, I am an ardent Ossie Clark and Celia Birtwell fan. I do however have two major regrets regarding my appreciation of Ossie.
1. The Sale of my first Ossie Clark for Radley dress (full story on my website) which happened because I was not fully appreciative of Ossie and collecting and because I needed the money :-(
2. That I was not into Ossie pre May 2004- a big mistake, as I missed out on the Victoria and Albert Museum's retrospective, which by all accounts looks like it should definitely not have been missed.
Ho, hum........so I reconcile myself by checking out my favourite websites, which all offer a good dose of Ossie Clark images and items for sale.

This dress is the same print and material as the one I sold, but mine was a short sleeve version without the neck detail and in mint condition (boohoo!) This dress is currently for sale on C20Vintage's website-check it out!

Lovely images of Ossie Clark's works of art, currently shown on the Victoria and Albert Museums website.

I still am looking out via boot sales and charity shops for that elusive find-wish me luck!

1 comment:

Annie Spandex said...

Hey! I stumbled upon your site while searching for an Ossie Clark dress that has HAUNTED me for four years since the day I went back to the vintage shop with money and it had been sold. I mean, I would get married in the dress, I love it so much. So anyway, I relate. That top dress you picked out is absolutely gorgeous.


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