
A Thrifted and Gifted Outfit Post!

Hi everyone!! Wishing you all a Happy New Year and a healthy and prosperous 2014 to us all! For me the 1 January was greeted with the worst migraine and flu like symptoms I've ever experienced and I was in bed all day and all night, I don't know what brought it on as I didn't get at all drunk on New Years Eve but I did have a couple of glasses of ginger wine which have sulphates in it and I have since read that sulphates can trigger migraines. Well I won't be drinking that ever again and thank goodness I was well enough to go to work today!

Here is an outfit from last week which features some Christmas gifted items and thrifted pieces too, both recent and from 2012.

My Christmas gifts were my Anerkjendt (Danish brand of clothing) camo beanie and my grey Hype sweatshirt, which my lovely son gave me-him working in fashion pr definitely has its perks! I so love the sweatshirt, it has a lovely warm interior and is just perfectly oversized- I love wearing my cuffs poking out of my sleeves as shown here. 

My thrifted items are the River Island wine colour skinny jeans which were from the Salvation Army last month for around £3, my faux fur Maine (Debenhams) gilet which was a jumble sale find in 2012 for £1.50 and my midnight navy blue leather Jaeger jacket which was also from Summer 2012 at a local boot sale for £2.50:

Not forgetting my trusty Primark tartan scarf that I can't live without and my Dune black leather biker ankle boots which were gifted to me in Autumn.

I also received some trainers from my son and I'm sure they will make an appearance on the blog at some point soon! I hope you've all managed to pick up some fabulous bargains in the sales this season-I actually haven't done any sales shopping as it's not near payday and also I'm really just going to thrift or buy items that are on my style hitlist to be worn and kept for a long time to come-one of them being the 'perfect' grey blazer, preferably a wool longline version to wear over skinny jeans. 

What is on your style list for this coming year? I'd love to hear what items you are currently lusting after!

Wishing you all a really good weekend whatever you get up to- I've a mound of housework to catch up on and am hoping to be near on 100% fit for a week of work from Monday!


Seeker said...

Happy New Year, you stylish girl :)
Your outfit is lovely and you look fabulous.
Best wishes,

Rebecca said...

Sorry to hear the "bug" made it across the ocean! Hope you are back to 100% soon.

Did you happen to see the plaid/animal print combo here? http://thepolohouse.blogspot.com/2013/12/go-bold.html

I really like it. I'm working on it - trying to put a combo together for myself!

Happy New Year!

www.janetteria.com said...

So stylish, darling Sharon!

Btw happy new year!

Kezzie said...

Happy new year Sharon! I of course approve of hats for presents and furry things!!!! X

CuratingMi said...

Hey Sharon!! So envious of your gilet.....it is so gorgeous!! Fab style and colour!! You've inspired me to keep looking for one as I'd all but given up!! You have put one superb outfit together here.....love every single item, perfectly styled!
Hope you are feeling a bit perkier.....what a shame you felt rough on NYE :0(
I look forward to seeing your new trainers and seeing what treasures you unearth on your hit list!! xx

Avenue 57 said...

Happy New Year Sharon!
I love that scarf and I love the gilet/leather layering. That's my new love for 2014.

I am going to take a leaf out of your book and get on board with being thrifty!


Anne said...

Happy New Year Sharon....you always find such amazing bargains!

Please may I? said...

Happy New Year Sharon. You look lovely and snug in your warm attire, plus incredibly stylish too.

X x

Anonymous said...

Same to you Sharon! So many people were struck down with flu, I'm patiently waiting for it to reach me.
Your outfit is gorgeous! I bet the Jaeger jacket is wonderful quality. I love the silhouette of the layers on top of skinnies - you have fantastic long legs!
Take care xx

Style Eyes said...

Happy New Year. I hope that you are feeling better now! Love the cosy outfit and the tartan scarf.

Claire Justine said...

Happy New Year Sharon, love this look, your jeans are great and I so need your fur waistcoat. Aww hope your feeling better this week, I'm hoping to dodge the flu I got it last year 3 weeks before my marathon, was awful ...

Unknown said...

Happy Happy New Year Sharon!! You look soooo awesome! Love everything, but esp. the wine color jeans ... do you remember when that shade was really big back in the early '90s? At least that's what I remember lol! One of my all-time favorite colors, and looks just smashing on you!

We're doing well over here, ups and downs in 2013 (I wrote about it on my house blog), esp. with our little boy. But things are getting better day by day and I'm hoping to really get back to blogging this year. I hope your New Year's was fabulous and that 2014 will be beyond awesome for you! Much love from California!

hippyatheart said...

really a lovely outfit!

Unknown said...

Happy New Year Darl! So sorry you saw it in a little unwell! I can't believe those burgundy skinnies are thrifted! Love them & have wanted some for ages! Love & Hugs! Ax

WendyB said...

Belated Happy New Year! Ugh, I had a migraine last night -- one of the few I've had -- and they're really awful!

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thank you all so much for leaving your kind and lovely comments, they are so much appreciated! xxx


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