
Thrift Inspiration....Singing The Blues in All Saints, Reiss and Vintage Yves Saint Laurent

Hi everyone! I hope you've all had a great week so far-my day today has been so up and down, I don't know if I've been coming or going! Firstly this morning saw me running late for work, completely run out of petrol on the way, problems parking which led to me being late and then on my return to the car park later a parking ticket! I was rather stressed by the time I got home early afternoon but it got better with a meet up with girlfriends for a meal and catch up at a local restaurant and with hubby cooking and washing up for himself and younger son I feel like I'm now fully calmed down, hehe!!

I was really chuffed to have been nominated for 'best thrifty blog' by The MAD Blog Awards for Mums and dads 2014 this weekend. I've displayed a 'Nominate Me' badge on my sidebar and would deeply appreciate it if you could take time out to nominate me please! IF I get through to the next stage then more voting is required and I could be in with a chance of attending a lovely finalist awards evening and winning an iPad Air, woo hoo! Anyhow, it's been lovely to have been nominated and any further nominations and votes will be much appreciated!!

Back to style matters in hand, I thought I would show you some fairly recent thrift finds that seem to be very much on a recurring theme-blue to be precise.
As you all may be aware I am very much a denim enthusiast-ok, addict might be a better word if 25+ pairs of jeans is slightly more than the norm! I'm thinking that it's not so much jeans I'm into but the colour more so? I pretty much love denim jackets, waistcoats, skirts shirts and jeans and all in different shades of blue but particularly this year faded blue has definitely been on my style radar a lot, very evident on my denim inspiration pinterest board if you fancy taking a look!

My latest thrift finds were from a couple of Saturdays ago- I found this fabulous vintage cheesecloth Yves Saint Laurent mens shirt in a neighbouring town's St Francis Hospice charity shop for just £2.50!!
It's such a great fit and is definitely my current favourite go to shirt for summer, to be paired with faded jeans, cut offs and white jeans (if I find a pair that I like):

My next find that day was in the afternoon at my own local Sue Ryder charity shop, which was a pair of Reiss high waisted skinny zip ankle jeans for a bargainous £1 in their sale!! In my size too and another pair of perfectly shaded blue jeans that I can't wait to start wearing!
The middle pair are some Gap boyfriend jeans that I thrifted in January for just £3.99-again the perfect distressed lighter shade of blue that will be perfect once ankles can be shown in warmer weather!!
The 3rd pair are some Levis demi curve straight leg jeans which if I can remember were also less than £2, thrifted last year in Autumn from a neighbouring towns Sue Ryder charity shop:

Left to Right: Reiss, Gap, Levis

The last picture features more shirts that I've thrifted and been gifted since Autumn last year:

From top to bottom: All Saints checked shirt, £2 from the St Francis Hospice,  River Island acid light wash shirt from the DEBRA charity shop for £3.99, my gifted degrade denim shirt from the swap shop party and dark wash thrifted H&M chambray shirt from the Sense charity shop for £3.50.

So you've seen a sneaky peek into my denim obsession and what sort of items are making their way and staying in my wardrobe.

What style and items are actually making their way into your wardrobe this season? Please share I'd love to know! 


Pennyblossoms said...

Bummer about the parking ticket; but sounds like the evening was a good one!
Of course I've nominated you, I'd be 'mad' not to!! I put you down as blog of the year too as I had to put someone in the space before I could hit the thrifty nom. Heck, why not??? You're worth it as the ad says!!
Loving the blues; just the perfect collection for spring into summer. Lovely!
I'm verging towards khaki again at the mo. Will have to post photos of stuff, won't I?
Z xx

Vix said...

I do love a bit of cheesecloth!
What a shame about the parking ticket, just as well you're so good at finding bargains so the fine won't curtail your shopping! x

Kezzie said...

OOoh, I like that first shirt!! I am remarkably fussy about denim and don't wear it very often but wish I did!!! I had a lovely chambray/light denimy embroidered shirt which I bought as a teenager from Bacons. How long have you lived there? Do you remember Bacons? It was next to where the Halifax is in town? I loved that shop! WIsh I still had that shirt!x

Rebecca said...

In spite of selling 6-7 denim jackets, I still have my favorites and will be wearing them as/if the weather begins to warm up a bit!

Please may I? said...

Parking tickets are always the worst.

Great finds, you can't beat a bit of denim. I am in need of a denim shirt.

X x

Anonymous said...

Vintage YSL anything rocks, and this shirt is no exception! You have an amazing denim shirt and pant collection, clearly. Oh, and the vintage denim Gaultier jacket I see on the sidebar: dreamy. Xo

Style At Every Age said...

I got a denim dress today! Glad your day turned out a bit better, I'd have been stressed as well! x

Avril x said...

Oh no - hate getting parking tickets...SO annoying. Glad your day worked out well in the end. Loving all the denim and I wish St Francis Hospice shop was closer to me!! x

Debbie Stinedurf said...

Wow...those are some great finds! Sorry about the ticket...that stinks!

CuratingMi said...

Aww Gawd Sharon I hate parking tickets, I always think about what I could have spent the money on :0(
Congratulations on the MAD nomination...so very well deserved!
Love the checked YSL shirt....what a find! That would look ace with some distressed boyfriends and some Birkies which is what is on my hit list!!
Have a great week xx

CuratingMi said...

Aww Gawd Sharon I hate parking tickets, I always think about what I could have spent the money on :0(
Congratulations on the MAD nomination...so very well deserved!
Love the checked YSL shirt....what a find! That would look ace with some distressed boyfriends and some Birkies which is what is on my hit list!!
Have a great week xx

Unknown said...

Voting, done! Of course.
Sorry for your ticket ... so nice to be able to meet up with the girlfriends to ease the day's frustrations. (Mine are too far away ... you are lucky!)
Grand values! I get what you mean about loving the whole gestalt of the denim thing.
Have a great week and good luck on the blog award thingy!

Anonymous said...

That's cheesecloth YSL shirt is fab and the rest of your denim stash - you always do so well! I'm going back to wearing flared longer skirts this season with a bomber jacket :-) Congrats on your nomination - well deserved!! xx

Sharon said...

Hi ladies! So lovely of you to leave your kind words and comments and thanking you so much for those who nominated me too, thats brilliant news!! xxx

Unknown said...

Oh my that is such a pants start to a day you poor thing!! So glad you had an evening with friends to cheer you up! I'm off to vote! Best of luck Darl! You so deserve to win! Ax


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