
Ossie Clark and Celia Birtwell

Celia Birtwell for Topshop-Monkey Puzzle cotton muslin blouse
and Celia Birtwell for Topshop-Mystic Daisy pussy bow blouse
Celia B for Allders-Hearts silk blouse and
Celia Birtwell for Topshop-Clown frill neck blouse

Celia Birtwell for Topshop-Ditsy Daisy dress and Celia Birtwell for Topshop-Flowers for Puccini dress

Black Jean Muir dress and Ossie Clark for Radley pussy bow jacquard dress

Ossie Clark for Radley-Moss crepe maxi halter neck dress

I hope to extend on this collection-I await Celia Birtwells fourth collection, bargains on EBay, charity shop finds and boot sale treasures!!


WendyB said...

Nice collection :-)

Sharon said...

Thanks Wendy! I will have to go some to even think about getting near yours-you have built up an incredible collection-I love to swoon over it!!

WendyB said...

Hey, Sharon, I didn't realize how close this one blouse was to an old Celia-print Radley blouse on this page:

Sharon said...

Hi Wendy!! Funnily enough, I was very tempted to get this about 6 weeks ago! I ummed and aahed, but decided against in the end-mainly because of the similiarities of what I already have!!

Marian said...

lovely collection!

Sharon said...

Hi marian-thanks so much!!


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