
A Canterbury Tale..... away from it all

Hi to everyone, I thought I would share my some of my pictures of our family break away. We booked to go away to Canterbury and we also visited the coastal resorts of Whitstable and Herne Bay. We actually left our home on Sunday and on switching on the TV on Monday morning were horrified to see of all the riots that had taken place literally a few miles from where we live.

Suffice to say how sad and terrible things have been, especially in the main regions of London, Birmingham and Manchester I was so pleased my family were away from the problems. We live on the Essex and East London borders and our local towns of Ilford and Romford did experience some of the problems, but thankfully not as huge a scale of other areas. A couple of my sons friends were mugged for their bikes and phones in our own local parks, which is so sad and frustrating with it being the school holidays, as now for the forseeable we don't want them going there, which is such a shame for them all.

Anyhow, we had a really fabulous family break away and here are my favourite photos which feature Canterbury and the Cathedral, Herne Bay and Whitstable. Canterbury is a stunning city, steeped in history and exquisite architecture and what I loved most about it was being able to roam freely and stroll in the evenings, which given the present atmosphere where I live was so refreshing and enjoyable. Both coastal resorts were so easily accessible from Canterbury-Whitstable is a wonderful fishing resort with delicious seafood available and Herne Bay is a quaint, laid back English seaside town:

Herne Bay


We were blessed to have gorgeous weather and had a marvellous afternoon of sunbathing and paddling on the beach on Tuesday and we've just made it back home today before the weather turned and back to rain!! August is proving to be a very temperamental month weatherwise, I hope summer is not over yet!!

I sincerely hope the riots that have taken place have not affected any of you and that you are all keeping safe and well whatever part of the UK you live or are in. I am quite behind with blogging too so I hope to be visiting you all over the next few days.

Wishing you all a very nice, relaxing and sunny weekend too!!


Wildernesschic said...

Wow how stunning I love this country ..oops sorry I am in Wales .. I love the UK xx

Please may I? said...

Stunning photos. Looks and sounds like you had a fantastic time.

Glad you and yours have all been safely away from the madness.

X x

hippyatheart said...

really glad that you staid save and have such fantastic holiday! love medieval architecture and will definitely visit canterbury with my next uk trip

Louise Mc said...

Isn't Whitstable beautiful? Did you see Peter Cushing's house? Also, did you check out the fabulous Kent charity shops? X

That's Not My Age said...

Looks like you're having a wonderful time - away from all the chaos! - I do like Canterbury and the Kent coast.

Vix said...

That looks a beautiful part of the world. I was watching Flog It! yesterday and it was from Canterbury catherdral, the windows were gorgeous. x

Kezzie said...

Sharon you must live really really near me as they are my local towns also! Sainsbury's in Ilford was targeted as was the police station there. Barking Tescos was attacked also.
I love Canterbury cathedral it's just soooo huge! I sang there for a choral evensong service on News year's eve in 2001 which was pretty amazing to do- it's an amazing acoustic!
You look prety in the shot!

CameronPoe2409 said...

Glad you've had a lovely holiday and your pictures are great. Also glad you've avoided all the trouble, take care and enjoy the rest of the summer break xx

Ofelia said...

Such beautiful and tranquil places. Thanks for sharing this lovely photos with us.
I love your outfit specially the lace top!

Ella said...

i live in canterbury! about 2 mins from the cathedral! wish i would have known you were coming so i could say hello. im sorry to hear about your troubles xx

www.janetteria.com said...

Beautiful place!


Style Diary Of A Fashion Fanatic said...

These are WOW photos!!! Just beautiful!!!

Smashingbird said...

I love Whitstable & Canterbury - they are just down the road from me! Hope you are having a lovely weekend hun xxx

Style At Every Age said...

Yes you were just down the road from Smashingbird and I! Great pics, I haven't been to Canterbury for ages but am going to take Little Man in the next few weeks.

Heather said...

Wonderful pictures looks like a very nice trip!! I would love to see all that amazing architecture thanks for sharing ~Love Heather

Cadmium said...

hi sharon, lovely pictures! takes me back to my uni days. glad you had such a wonderful time there. also love your outfit! hope things calm down soon over there and that the summer lasts for a long time!

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks for all the lovely and kind comments, so much appreicated!! xxx

WendyB said...

MrB and I had a great time in Canterbury last month.

Bonnie said...

Hi Sharon, glad to know that you and your family are fine. I love the photos you took. Someday I'd like to visit.

xo, Bonnie

Unknown said...

Ooooooooooh how utterly beautiful! You are so lucky! I have to wait till baby's a bit bigger to go on a proper holiday, but until then I'll live vicariously through your wonderful photos! ^_^ Sigh. I so love England!

And I love your outfit too! That's how I aim to look on vacations but I can never quite pull it off, lol! But I try.

I'm really glad you and your family were unharmed during those scary riots. I hope your sons' friends are okay. We were following news about the riots every day because we have so many family members in the London area. They were alright, thank goodness. It reminded us of the Los Angeles riots of the '90s. You never know where these things will just flare up!

Christina @ Fashion's Most Wanted said...

I'm glad you had a good break. It's a lovely part of the world. I've been meaning to take The Actor to Whitstable. You look gorgeous xx

Rebecca said...

Wish I'd been there...but seeing your interesting photos is second best, Sharon. All so impressive - and you looked well-suited for touring that amazing cathedral!


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