
Ladies Who Lunch-Blogger Meeting!!

Sorry its been late everyone, I just had to get this post up and running, but its back to bed for some R&R as this blasted flu bug will just not go!! A big thanks for all your well wishes too-once I'm properly better I will be visiting you all!

You have a perfect never ending lunch with lovely blogger friends one year later!!!

The adorable Kate of Make Do Style with Sam

Stunning Liz of Get some Vintage-A-Peel with Wendy

Being a personal stylist meant Kate was still on duty to tie Wendys Christian Francis Roth dress to perfection!!

Of course, I managed to get a picture of 'afters' before it was swiftly eaten by us all-simply divine and delicious, with compliments to the wonderful WendyB- A big thanks for such a gorgeous lunch my dear, washed down with plenty of Pimms of course!!

Also a big thanks to Kate for my lovely LBD and sequin shrug, which have a place in my wardrobe and which I can't wait to wear!!

We took great pleasure in a trying on session of Wendys exquisite and stunning rings, which unfortunately did not get stuck on our fingers permanently, mores the pity!!!

So same time, same place, next year ladies-I'll try not to bring any lurgies with me next time and it was such a pleasure to meet up with you gorgeous ladies at long last!!


Anonymous said...

More fun pics! Hope you can kick this bug and get back to your wonderful self again.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a fantastic good time!

Clara Campelo said...

funny pics!


444 said...

Sharon - I had to look up "lurgies" and it looks like it is our version of "cooties." LOL

Looks like a fun day.

Please get well soon and then tell us that you are all better!!!

WendyB said...

I'm going to call dessert "afters" from now on! I hope you feel better soon. And see you same date next year, right?

Gerri Ward said...

OMG! It never fails, great friends and great food equal a great time! p.s. You need lots of R&R with lots of laughter so you can laugh the little bugger away! Hope you feel better as each day goes by!

love home|life|style said...

looks like you guys had lots of fun... what a lovely way to while away an afternoon! the afters look soooooo nice mmmmmmmmmmm

Winnie said...

I love all your lunch photos. Looks like you guys had so much fun!

loft in SoHo said...

Funny shots!!!!!!!! <3


www.janetteria.com said...

Fab meeting. such a cute time! :)


Angela said...

oh this is too fun.

ellie said...

I love the outfits everyone wore. It must have been a great time. I hope you guys get together soon.

Fashion and more said...

Wish i could come and join you next year, looks like you had lots of fun :o)

Fashion and more said...

And get well soon, Sharon !!!

Couture Carrie said...

So exciting (and delicious!)! I love it when bloggers meet up IRL!


Anika said...

Ahhh, it looks like you girls had a ton of fun!

Hope you're feeling better much sooner and atleast you have these pics (the yummy food, the rings, the friends) to keep you going.

Love it!

christina said...

Sounds so darling having a lunch with everyone! And of course all the ladies look great!

Marian said...

oh what a wonderful post darling! it looks like you had a wonderful time! wish i could join you gals for this but alas I was stuck at a long shoot. Everyone looked great!
muah x

Anonymous said...

Oh how fun! Thanks for sharing these pics. It's always cool to see bloggers get together for an actual meet-up. Glad to hear you're doing better!

xo, Becs

AsianCajuns said...

Glad to hear you are feeling a little better, Sharon!
That lunch looks like such fun- wish we could be there!

Elizabeth Victoria Clark said...

looks like such a fun time, your desserts look amazing! xx

kadler said...

Aww, how awesome! I'm so jealous.

Dana (MODAna) said...

love wendy's dress!!!

TheOnlineStylist said...

Fantastic - looks like you all had a fab time! Wendy B was one of the first blogs I ever read so she's a bit of a hero of mine! Hope you feel better soon x

saray said...

bloggers got togthers are always so much fun

yiqin; said...

I love seeing bloggers get together. You are all so pretty :)

Sally said...

hope you are feeling better! this looks like a lovely day! x

Anonymous said...

Looks like everyone had a lot of fun :).

ellie said...

I hope you are on the mend.

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks so much for the lovely comments and well wishes, all so much appreciated!!

La Mimi said...

Awww...that is so awesome that you guys got together...Somebody should have taken a picture of all of you together...well...there is always next time, right:)


Sharon said...

Hi La Mimi-there is one of all of us floating around on one of the posts!!


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