
Some Stella McCartney for H&M

My local Sue Ryder always seems to be the place where I'll pick up really good finds. I gave a black Anne Klein tuxedo jacket away last year because I thought I had too many jackets, and as always is the way, regretted it.

So late last week when I found the Benetton striped tee I also found this Stella McCartney for H&M black wool tuxedo on their sale rail. The lapel has some pin marks, so I'm assuming this is why it was on that rail. After dry cleaning, if the marks are still there I shall just put a brooch on the lapel anyway.

It was a must buy and I won't be getting rid of it in a hurry either!!

What items have you parted with and regretted it in that you want to replace it?


Ofelia said...

Lucky find and at a great price!
I parted with a Norma Kamali blue and white stripes skirt from '87 and I saw the same style by a cheaper brand back in 2009. I realized I should had kept mine!

Comtesse de ferveur said...

Great jacket, that was a really nice collection.

Vix said...

Great find! I love the visible stitching on the lapels. You'll look fabulous in that. xxx

Penny Dreadful Vintage said...

Ooh great buy. I got rid of a lovely 60s mohair coat once, when I moved from a cold climate to a tropical one. Now I live in London I dearly miss that coat. x

Christina @ Fashion's Most Wanted said...

Dear Sharon, what a great buy. I think out of all the designer collaborations Stella for H&M is the best made. I've bought two silk jumpsuits and a silk skirt from that collection on Ebay and they're going strong.

I've given away lots. There was a gorgeous Seventies red kaftan dress with a beaded obi belt, a few coats but my main thing I've given away and regretted is an Ozbek tuxedo suit that I know the person never wore. It was cream with silk lapels. I hadn't thought it would come back in again. I know now to hang onto classics.

Hope you're having a good week, isn't it dull today so far? Where's the sun from yesterday! xx

yiqin; said...

I try not to sell my things :x

Carol said...

What a find! Stick a brooch on and it will be good as new, I am hoping to do a bit of thrift shopping in London over the next few days. Any recommendations of good areas?

Carol x

hippyatheart said...

really a great find and what a great price! your local thrift store seams to be a gold mine!
I always regret it if I sell something from my private collection. I sold a beautiful 70s bag made from black leather and suede as I thought I have too many bags - but you can never have too many ones ;) And I also sold some great red 80s vintage pumps what I regret now a lot :/

kind regards :)

Style At Every Age said...

All of my designer handbags and a Missoni cardigan to ebay when OH had a spell out of work a few years back!
Great jacket!

Pearl Westwood said...

Great find, I loved that collection! Im am constantly ebaying and buying things, sometimes I will be looking for something that I forgot I already sold! I regret selling a navy blue vintage clutch and matching belt I once had :-( xx

Rachel - Firebird said...

A fantastic fantastic find!

I haven't regretted giving anything away yet. But sometimes I do have to be stopped running down the charity shop to buy my donations back!

Anonymous said...

Oh very nice!! a black jacket is a must have for any closet I think ~Enjoy your new coat good deal!! and Ugh I have done that same thing gotten rid of something and regretted it lol!! Glad you found a cute new coat! ~Love Heather

jess said...

That looks like a great blazer.

Make Do Style said...

Oh good find as nicely cut jacket - I'm still regretting the pleated H&M skirt - a lot!!

WendyB said...

I still yearn for a silver Todd Oldham t-shirt that I gave away long ago.

Gina said...

I've got thinner, (hurray!) so can't regret getting rid of the bigger clothes!

Anonymous said...

You're always so incredibly lucky! This is definitely a keeper!

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks for your lovely comments and I'm not the only one who has given away things and regretted it ;-( I think I will be more cautious in the future xx

Haute World said...

Very timeless and for 2 quid, there's definitely nothing to complain about. I agree that putting in your own pin to hide the marks would be a good idea. The one thing I regretted giving away was a pair of gladiator sandals a few seasons before they became all the rage again. Thankfully there's not that much else I regret parting with.

Winnie said...

Holy moly Sharon! £2? That's amazing, definitely a great addition to the wardrobe.

Sydney's Fashion Diary said...

You're so lucky. What a great find! It looks like a great jacket too.

Enter my giveaway for a chance to win a £40.00 gift code

Retro Chick said...

Oooh, I do love finding a really good bargain in a charity shop!

J. said...

Great find! I loved almost that whole collection! (and I still remember it, hehe)

Lenya said...

What a fab find! I just recently cleaned out my closets so not regretting anything yet, but I'm sure I will. But sometimes you just need a refresh.

Kelly-Ann Maddox said...

I recently recycled about 4 binbags worth of clothes. No regrets yet. I had to think through absolutely everything I put in those bags though, there was no room for error, because I'm quite attached to my clothes and thought of getting that sinking feeling of regret after giving something away would have been horrible.


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