
Boots over at Dorothy Perkins

Dorothy Perkins has a great selection of boots available to suit all style tastes and prices. Here are my favourite picks:

Biker boots, £55

Lace panel boots, £42

Over the knee boots, £50

Stone suede boots, £65


Belle de Ville said...

Oh, those biker boots. I adore them!

Fashion_Loving_Stylist said...

Those over the knee boots are divine.

christina said...

I'm dying for a pair of over the knee boots!

Leah said...

I didn't know that they have shoes at Dorothy Perkins. Here in Manila, all they have are clothes. Those are awesome boots.

Haute World said...

I've never actually been in a Dorothy Perkins, even though I've passed these stores so many times. This will definitely inspire me to check it out! Love the selection of boots... the first and last pair are my favorites!

Hope you have a lovely weekend :)

Wildernesschic said...

Love the Stone suede ones they are lovely , great finds as always hun .. have a good weekend xxx

Anonymous said...

Love the biker boots!

yiqin; said...

I really want the last pair <3

Make Do Style said...

The stone suede boots are great and overall a good selection. Don't ya just love Dotty Ps.

Finally I have finished and can read and comment properly again - I must get back into proper post stride again!

Winnie said...

Wow I never realised they do such a range! Must make a change and check them out next time.

WendyB said...

I like the lace-panel ones best ... but maybe that's just because they have a heel!

www.janetteria.com said...

I love those lace boots!

Have a lovely weekend, my dear!

Style At Every Age said...

I like the Stone suede too! but fear they may be a bit young. I saw a similar style in black leather (well pvc, I guess) in Peacocks today, as cheap as chips!

Anonymous said...

i agree with Haute-shopper - the last pair is soooo cool! xx

Marian said...

i like the suede ones and the biker boots. fab selection here hon

Noble Beeyotch said...

Those shoes are amazing....i love your blog!


one of 365 said...

Well, Well, Well......Dotty P.! Good for you. I am surprised that the old gal has pulled out some goodies this season. Those over the knees for only 50 squid....bargain (though are they real leather!). Crazy enough, I kinda dig the lace panel boot. I think the probably photograph better than they look in person (I fear cheapness!) but they are tres Louboutin and kinda quirky chic. Nice choices Sharon and thanks for showing the world yet again we can all look sassy without spending a bundle. xoxoxoxo

Cadmium said...

ooh, those suede ones... wish i lived in the uk! hope you are having a nice weekend!

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks for all the lovely comments, so much appreciated!!

Clara Campelo said...

wow! i love the boots.

Taylor Sterling said...

wow great selections! I love the lace booties!

Kavita @ She Wears Fashion - UK style and fashion blog said...

Oh my goodness those lace shoes are so beautiful! x

jess said...

The over the knee boots are lovely.

Sharon said...

Thanks for all your lovely comments!!

Siljesfashion said...

Wish we had that brand here, love those suede boots!

Marian said...

honey just wishing you and yours a fab weekend


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