
Thrift Inspiration, Doing it Net-A-Porter Style!!

Whilst thrifting last month, I spied a silk khaki shirt for only £1.99. I picked it up and thought about it and put it back and went home. After looking at Net-A-Porter and 'Look' magazine, I realised it would be a great buy after all so I went back and snapped it up!!

Khaki military is a trend that although is back this summer, never really goes out of style, so any basic piece in this trend will be a keeper anyway. Here are what the designers have in this trend:

Balmain, £705

My shirt by Debenhams is from the Salvation Army charity shop and for silk was a fabulous bargain at only £1.99.

What items of khaki/military will you be in this summer?


Wildernesschic said...

Love these shirts .. I have to tell you I bought one in a Ralph Lauren outlet shop its the good label linen and it was £5 so I bought two as they for me will be worn on trend or not on trend xx

SabinePsynopsis said...

It's weird how we sometimes save at the totally wrong time... The same happened to me with a leopard print chiffon blouse for a few quid and I was 'nah, I'll save the money'. I could still hit myself!

Make Do Style said...

You can't go wrong at £1.99!! It's funny but you will be able to wear it all summer and then chuck it as the chances of military being around next summer are zero. (don't quote me on that though!)

Imagine if you bought the Balmain at £705!!

That's Not My Age said...

Oh I am now completely obssessed with khaki! I've been wearing an old military jacket all week, also found an old M&S /Ghost-inspired hooded crinkle viscose parka in the wardrobe which I've been wearing with jeans - not long now before I break out the combat pants!

Anonymous said...

ooh great find and deffo a staple item. Military always makes a come back, ive had a cream H&M military jacket for around 6 years now,cant even remember the last time i wore it, but may dust it off this weekend :-)


Couture said...

very nice shirt!

www.janetteria.com said...

Great find, dearest Sharon! U are the best!

teawithonesugarplease said...

Well done you and amazing it was still in the shop to snap up! A silk shirt is just the easiest thing to wear this season. I will get some better pix posted of my Dior goodies next week.

Pearl Westwood said...

Great find and it is such a keeper, there is always going to be some form of military/khaki/safari trend going on and I think such a classic shirt will never be 'out' of fashion - unlike one of those bonkers Balmain tops with all the holes and chains - I must be missing something with that trend LOL!
I got lucky in the vintage department last week - havent had chance to post yet but I got the best pair of khaki pants and two tops ever, I might actually get to wear and post them this weekend if this lovely sunshine holds up, have a great wkend xx

Anonymous said...

I've got khaki dresses and cargos just waiting in the wings!

Leah said...

That is such an awesome find... I love khaki military shirts. And I love the military look. I am now using some of my old cargo pants. xoxo

PS... I love your new blog layout. :-)

Cadmium said...

that really is a bargain, and very versatile. good that you went back and go it! have a lovely weekend!

Rebecca said...

I like it! I'll keep my eyes open for something similar as I thrift my way back from South Carolina back to Indiana, USA!

Gorgeous Glam said...

I'm in love with the military look right now. I am wearing a shirt sort of like your today! Have a great weekend doll! xoxo

Style At Every Age said...

Brilliant Find - I get all exhausted just thinking about how you manage to do it - like - all the time!

Jen said...

Such a fab shirt! It'll look amazing with denim.

WendyB said...

Don't scare me by making me think you missed out on a great bargain!

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks so much for all the lovely comments, as always they are so much appreciated!!

Yulia Rahmawati said...

adore military style,,,
Get Up,Survive, Go Back To The Bed

Anonymous said...

Hi Sharon-Rose; just popping by to say hi; hope you are well!

Your blog looks great

Laura :-)

marian said...

Sharon i love how you always find on trend pieces from your charity spots. The fact that is silk is glorious!


Unknown said...

that was defo a fab purchase x

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks so much for the comments!

Anonymous said...

Nice shirts girl:)

lol Factory Girl

Winnie said...

Hmmm...khaki is still a bit of a strange colour for me. Don't know if I can be quite won over yet.


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