
Bird Prints for summer

Bird prints are bang on trend this season, check out the Telegraphs Cu-Cool bird prints for designer and high street offerings available now:

Here are my favourite picks of this trend:

Marc Jacobs at Matches Fashion £858

Last year I picked up this little blouse/short jacket for a cu-cool £1 from the local high street ethnic shop-I'll be wearing it again this season!!

Will you be in bird or animal prints this summer?


Smashingbird said...

Oooh I like the Mac Jacobs dress.

Make Do Style said...

Love the Helmut Lang top and the fact you are already sorted!

ellie said...

these are adorable, closest I'll get are my gray leopard leggings..I'm afraid. Love the crop top vest/top you have on.

www.janetteria.com said...

I love them all!

Winnie said...

Oh I remember that little waistcoat, so cute. I really love that Marc Jacobs bird print dress, such a fun print!

Vix said...

I love bird prints and your post has just reminded me of a playsuit I bought as a sample last summer, in fact it looks remarkably like the Marc Jacobs beauty but only cost £2!
Love your little cropped jacket. You're such an elegant and stylish lady!

Eri said...

Hello dear,
Love the Helmut Lang dress , what a fab find!

See you soon!

ediot said...

i like the first one a lot! thanks for sharing. hope you had an wonderful weekend.

xx ediot

elegancemaison said...

Initially love the Helmut Lang - and yet also find it creepy. The feathers....oo-ah. Like your waistcoat best. You look good in it but think I will avoid birds or animals this summer!

Deb said...

Hi! I love the Marc Jacobs dress and I love that little jacket of yours. Deb

Style with Benefits said...

Hi Sharon! I love your little jacket. The colors are perfect for summer. The Marc Jacobs dress is fab. I will definitely be wearing some animal prints this summer!

xo, becs

Jules said...

Wow! Love the layering of your outfit. You look great on it.

The Brown Mestizo

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks for all the lovely comments!

Cadmium said...

beautiful picks, and that's an adorable jacket - lovely colors!

Anonymous said...

Great jacket, i have a blue dress with small bird prints all over, i'll be sure to drag it back out the wardrobe come summer

Couture said...

Your jacket is so nice!

SabinePsynopsis said...

Great buy - You've got your bird print covered! Yes, I'm warming to the whole cat, mouse, bird, whatever animal prints that are around and totally love the Helmut Lang version.

Ilse said...

yes I love them. esp the Miu Miu swallow print!

claudia said...

ohhhh...I love the Marc Jacobs one but 850 pouns!?

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous clothes but I find them a bit too expensive for my taste :(

WendyB said...

That Issa toucan is pretty cute!

ellie said...

Thanks for the note. Hope you are having a good week and finds lots of thrifting treasures.

Unknown said...

I love bird and animal prints! Though I'm not sure I can pull off bird prints. I have a few leopard-print items I'll be wearing this summer, and want to get something in a snake print. I'm really taken with the bird print though.

I love your top, esp. the color!

Wrecked Stellar said...

Love your jacket- the greens and blues are really pretty! Wow, if I could afford the Issa or Marc Jacobs dress, I'd go for them. In love with them! I have a bird print dress from Paul & Joe that I love too :)

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks so very much!

Caroline said...

Not too sure about the whole bird print thing, Sharon, but I love the colours on your blouse/jacket - so pretty. And very spring like x

Unknown said...

I love seeing dress with bird prints. ;D

Travel and Living
Job Hunter

Anonymous said...

lovely t-shirt looks soo cute

Pratishtha Durga said...

Oh, they are so pretty and whimsical. like something one would wear to a toned down, chic version of the mad-hatter's party.

marian said...

your crop jacket is the cutest. I hear the colour and print. To me it is cuter than the rest!

Haute World said...

Love the first top... and your blouse of course! The colors are just fab for summer!

Style At Every Age said...

I like the Helmut Lang but I can't see me wearing it, love it though!


Hey Sharon,

I am going for animal print this summer :-)

Have a lovely week, dear!


Wildernesschic said...

I love the Issa ... but I love your find too. I dont know how you do it girl.. I have somehow missed some of your recent posts.. I love the cropped khakis and the red Montana jacket..xx

marian said...

hope you are well hun

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks for all the lovely and kind comments, much appreciated!

Anonymous said...

Bird prints!! this is awesome!! Love the helmut lang dress! Love your outfit especially the jacket and the blue! :)

budget chic said...

I'm not crazy about bird prints, just too tropical for me... but girl you are working your!

Bonnie said...

Hi, thought I had left a comment earlier but maybe not. Just checking to see that all is well. Look forward to having you blog again soon.

Take care, Bonnie


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