
Vintage Versace Ad is My Latest Jeans Find!!

For some reason I do love all things Retro style and on my thrifting visits I do try and keep an open mind for any pieces I can get hold of.

On Saturday myself and Robert went for lunch, a spot of charity shopping and also to spend some of his Birthday money on X Box games. I didn't have high expectations of the trip, as where he used to look through stuff when he was younger, I think he is frankly quite bored and wanted to be in and out as quick as possible, meaning I couldn't rummage as much as I wanted!!

Well the last shop and last item paid dividends, as I came across a pair of cobalt blue (electric blue back in the day) Versace Couture stretchy jeans.

I tried them on and what a perfect fit-they are typically of the era, high waisted but so stretchy and soft and in really good nick too. They were only £4.99 from the Cancer Research shop and I snapped them up.

Doing a search on google, I came across this Versace ad-here are my jeans-the girls are modelling yellow and pink, mine are blue, but are exactly the same fit!!

Versace Ad by Bruce Weber-1991

I've been after a cobalt blue piece from back in the day and to get it in jeans that are a perfect fit have to be my 'wow' find of the month, I'm really pleased with them!

Whats been your most recent best vintage buy so far?


Vix said...

I loved electric blue back in the 1980's! What a fantastic find, can't wait to see them on. xxx

FairyFiligree said...

I actually remember this promo - weren't those shirts amazing?

WendyB said...

Love cobalt blue! Great find. Versace was so awesome during that period.

Perdita Tinsel said...

LOVE the 80s jeans! Fab find.

My most recent vintage find was a 60s tweed jacket (£38, but hand made) and a 70s cream handbag (£20, but again handmade) - both from a vintage fair, hence the highstreet price tags!

hippyatheart said...

I don't have problem if vintage pieces have highstreet prices - I got a chloé blouse for £25 and I do own it for 3 years now. My best and cheapest find was a paisley tunic from the 70s I bought in london for only £3!

SabinePsynopsis said...

HOT! Can't wait to see you posing with all your coloured denim-clad friends, Sharon! xo

Louise Mc said...

Wow - I bet you were so pleased. I've not really made any great vintage purchases lately, but I did get a gorgesous kimono that I'm using as a housecoat at the charity shop at the weekend.

Penny Dreadful Vintage said...

Oh excellent! I have been looking for a pair in red but cobalt blue may actually be even nicer. Great find as always x

Ofelia said...

Great find! The 80's colors were the brightest!
My last great thrift store find was an adrienne vittadini skirt. I looked at it for 2 weeks before it was priced below $5 and then I bought it.

Anonymous said...

Oh very cool!! I would love to find a very nice vintage piece there is a girl on etsy who finds stuff at thrift shops. I would love to buy a dress from her but a lot of them are sized really small..but I keep checking I know one of these days she is going to have a dress that I like :) I will post her website in case you want to check it out. She lives here in California also.Enjoy your new vintage treasure!!
~Love Heather

Comtesse de ferveur said...

Wow, that is one awesome find - I love all kinds of vintage Versace. I also love the high-waisted cut, it's ultra chic. Look forward to seeing a pic!

Anonymous said...

Excellent! I'm sure you look fantastic in them. 80's fashion never did suit me - the first time around - but some of it is still really fashionable.

Christina @ Fashion's Most Wanted said...

Dear Sharon, I bet they look amazing on you. I had a black pair of Versace jeans in the 80's they were a great fit. At least your shopping trip came up trumps in the end xx

www.janetteria.com said...

I cannot wait to see them... Last vintage find? Mhmmmm...so hard, but I think, Chanel backpack from about 80's or early 90's.

jess said...

The 80s had such great colors.

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks so much for your lovely comments, so much appreciated and great to hear about your finds too! xx

The Quick Red Fox said...

Fave colour and fave era! S€ounds amazing- please post a picture! x

Style At Every Age said...

What a great find, did they do that colour any later about 1990? I remember somebody that had a pair in that colour and the versace logo on the back of the waistband which naturally caught my eye!

Lenya said...

Can't wait to see what you pair them up with for an outfit post.

Winnie said...

Wow, I can't wait to see pictures of your new jeans! They sound fantastic.

Pratishtha Durga said...

What a lovely find! Am looking forward to your post creating a great look with the denims. I love the yellow ones in the ad too...

J. said...

Nothing at all! I have not done any vintage shopping at all lately :(

But what a great find that was! I am really impressed! You have to model them for us!

vint junky said...

They sound incredible, i may be salivating! I need a pic!!!
Oh, i haven't had great luck on thrifting front lately. But i did score a beautiful 1920s dress for $25 on Etsy, does that count?

Pearl Westwood said...

Great find! I love a bit of coloured denim x


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