It was lovely to receive 2 blog awards recently, the Versatile Blogger award from the lovely Viviane at Hippiebohoreloaded and the Liebster blog award from Lakota at Faith Hope and Charity Shopping-thank you so much ladies, it is very much appreciated!!!

1. Although I am not a slave to fashion, I do like to indulge in current season catwalk trends and will thrift pieces to fulfill the trend.
2. My current two favourite programmes on British TV are Benidorm and The Only Way is Essex!!!
3. I don't have a beauty regime- I don't wear make up Monday to Friday and on weekends, I'll wear lip gloss by Clinique and blusher by Bourjois and a spritz of perfume.
4. Have been good and bad on the health front-have virtually given up drink, as I don't like how it interferes with my sleep but I have restarted smoking again-only about 4 a day, but I suppose 4 too many really ;-(
5. If you don't know already, I'm going to opening up my Etsy shop next month-I can't wait and I do hope you will all stop by for a browse and buy!!
6. I love window shopping in London-my favourites are Selfridges and Harrods, but one shop I haven't visited is Liberty's- a must do for the year I think!!
7. My favourite snack of the moment is black pudding, sliced on toast with a nice mug of tea!
I mentioned in my title I had blog loving on my doorstep-this morning whilst daydreaming and getting sucked into the mud at Dunton boot sale in Essex, I was stopped by a lady who asked 'Do you Blog?'
Well, how amazing that the lovely lady who is also from Essex actually knew me by name and also reads and enjoys my blog-she said she doesn't blog herself or leave comments but I was so pleased to meet someone from my neck of the woods who enjoys my blog!!
So rather than me passing on these awards to fellow bloggers, whose comments and views I deeply appreciated and enjoy, I'm dedicating these to the lady from this morning (I'm not revealing you on here, but when you read this, you'll know its you!!) and also the other readers who don't always leave comments or have blogs, but just love to read my blog anyway, so-
Thank you!! To everyone who stops by, have a fabulous week ahead too!!
I love black pudding too, fried on a full English breakfast... if you like that you should try white pudding. It's Irish (you might have to get it from a speciality Irish shop) but its spicier than black, it's gorgeous.
How lovely that the lady recognised you. You kind of assume that the only people who read your blog are those who comment, but it's true, there's a whole secret world of blog readers out there!
Have a great week. x
Congrats on these two awards; great of you to share more about yourself & when is the shop opening? can't wait to visit....
Congrats! On your award and being a a sleb for the day! How wonderful to to recognised for your lovely blog.
how funny that you won 2 awards and somebody in your hood knew who you are! really cool :) and: you have to visit Liberty's, you absolutely will love it :) I'm a big fan of Selfridges, too!
So nice to know a little more about you.A bet you are excited about your Etsy shop???
Hi Sharon!
Cool post. Interesting to read about you... You are going to open your Etsy shop! That's exciting news, my dear!
Good luck!
Sharon you are naughty re the ciggies! I'll forgive you but stop soon.
Love the idea of black pudding on toast - hilarious and can't wait for the Etsy shop!
How wonderful and congrats to you and your lovely blog!! Love Heather
Congrats on the award :)
Sharon, congratulations on the award!!!!
I love reading about you!!!
You look phenomenal without makeup!!
Congrats on your award. I can't wait to see your shop.
Congrats Hun.
I love black pudding as well! You must visit Liberys it's fab.
X x x
Sharon, that's soo cool that someone spotted you on the street - you're a celeb now! xxx (I haven't started smoking again - but I reckon 4 a day is not too bad t all!)
Fame! How cool. Congrats on t'other award, you deserve them both x
Oh that is such a lovely story, I am always really surprised when someone I haven't told about my blog, says they read it. xx
Oh I don't think I could actually stomach black pudding. There is a similar chinese delicacy (except it's more jelly like) and I can't stomach that either. But ANYWAY, congrats on your awards. That's so cool that someone recognised you. Someone recognised me once but I didn't know how to react haha!
How nice to meet a fan of your blog!
You're a blogland celeb now! How cool.
Loved reading this, Benidorm's ones of my favourites, too. xxx
Good to hear... congrats, darling!
Congratulations, Sharon! I think 4 are still in the realm of okay... As long as you enjoy them. And Liberty London is definitely a 2011 Must! xo
Dear Sharon, you must go to Liberty, you'll love it. They're great for supporting new designers and they buy really interesting stuff. Plus the shop is beautiful.
Black pudding on toast? I can't touch black pudding - they took us to a farm at school and we saw it being made - put me off for life.
Looking forward to your Etsy shop. I shall definitely be visiting, love C xx
Wow, great to meet a reader in real life. Congrats on the awards.
Love both those programmes too!
Hi everybody-thanks for the lovely kind comments, much appreciated xx
Wow, fancy being recognised - did you feel like a celeb?! x
Have to admit the only way is Essex is extremely addictive!
I had to stop drinking about 7 months ago the headaches had got awful, although I now find watching inebriated friends just as entertaining ;)
Love reading all the personal details in this post. Must be nosey, eh?!
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