
Vintage Faux Fur-My Teddy Bear Coat!!

My main find of last week was in my local Sue Ryder charity shop. I found this black faux fur vintage coat by French label Tissavel. What I like about it is the leatherette trim and silver studs, so typically vintage but something different from all the faux furs flying about this season.

The arms are 3/4 length and the coat is just above my knee, its a really snuggly coat and a bargain for only £7.95!
I now have faux furs in ivory, cream, beige, leopardprint, brown and black, lol!! I can't help it-I think with the cold weather we are having, I know I'll wear them all, so its nice to have virtually one for every day of the week.

What style item do you tend to repeat buy on?


Fanny Pinkleton said...

I can't help repeat buying wool skirts and I must have about a million headscarves in every color of the rainbow. Headscarves have to be the ultimate liberation from my eternal bad hair day!

FairyFiligree said...

That's quite a collection. Superb find too.....Tissavel are professional faux fur producers. I found their website and it's pretty interesting www.tissavel.fr

hippyatheart said...

what a great find! I tend to buy a lot of blouses and tunics, they became my fave clothing pieces!

Vix said...

What a gorgeous coat and such a great price, too! A fake fur is an essential, with our long winters we need plenty of different coats to stop us getting bored with our wardrobes.

Lakota [Faith Hope and Charity Shopping] said...

That's an absolute bargain, well done. And yeah, I buy loads of coats too, it's bloody freezing on the walk to school!

Comtesse de ferveur said...

Fab buy Sharon! It will look lovely with everything. The one thing I buy over and over is white t-shirts with some kind of design on the front of them. I don't know what it is about them - I'm addicted to buying them up!

WendyB said...

I was hoping it was going to be like a Castelbajac, actually made out of teddy bears.

Mo said...

Thats a really lovely coat, where do you keep them all?

I adore my vintage coats but they do take up so much room.

Penny Dreadful Vintage said...

Oooh, good find, Tissavel is a great faux fur label. x

mispapelicos said...

Fabulous faux fur coat.You really have a wonderful eye for a bargain!!!

kellywelly said...

Fab coat. My faux fur collection is rapidly growing too x

vint junky said...

Just stunning! Fantastic find. I LOVE the leather trim detail.

Make Do Style said...

Perfect as ever and just in time for more parky weather - when will it warm up!!

Sophie said...

Such a baragin! I love a bit of faux fur!

Sophie said...

Such a baragin! I love a bit of faux fur!

www.janetteria.com said...

Oooh, I am crazy for this. So cool!


Pratishtha Durga said...

Wow! I am envious of your awesome finds. You have a knack for finding these treasure. This looks awesome. Would surely love to see how you work this into a look.

Ofelia said...

Faux fur is the way to go and so stylish!
I tend to repeat buying flower skirts and large print shirts!

yiqin; said...

I lalways buy the same skirts and blazers =x

CameronPoe2409 said...

Lovely coat with the leather trim it reminds me of a coat my mum had in the seventies. I visited my local hospice charity shop the other day and they have a floor length real fur squirrel coat for sale, I'm still traumatised from touching it before reading the label! xx

That's Not My Age said...

Lovely! I have a 50s teddy bear coat I found in a local junk shop which I've been wearing this week. It's not as fluffy as yours but I'll blog about it soon.

jess said...

The coat looks so warm. I tend to buy full skirted things.

Unknown said...

No better piece to collect than a fabulous vintage coat! I'm always looking out for them. They are so beautiful and unusual and stylish! I have a few new ones that I have to get taken in, and I'll post them when I do! I hope you can post pix of all your vintage coats! ^_^

As for collecting, I tend to collect denim -- jeans and skirts. I probably have too many pairs, but it feels like I can never have enough!

Haute World said...

That does look like a snuggly coat! I like the leather trim and the studs. Definitely gives it a unique look. I don't think I have a single faux leather coat, but I do have a habit of collecting leather jackets...


having seen so much fuax fur recently, I think it really does have a place in fashion. With the right outfit ! But NEVER real fur, there's just no need now that the fakes are so good.

Christina @ Fashion's Most Wanted said...

Dear Sharon, that is lovely! What a brilliant find! Of course you need one in every colour.

I find myself repeat buying all sorts but mostly dresses. I need to stop! Hope your week's going well, love C xx

Sharon said...

Hi everybody-thanks so much for your kind and lovely comments, its great to hear I'm not the only one who repeat buys items, lol!! xxx

Please may I? said...

Wow what a great find! Such a bargain.

X x

Style At Every Age said...

Totally LOVE this!

Kelly-Ann Maddox said...

:) Great find, I'm on the look out for a faux fur myself.

For me when I'm thrifting I can never resist a good clutch. The more typically '80s the better.


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