
Vintage Versace Fest!!

As you may know, I've been a fan of Gianni Versace for a while. My love affair started when I purchased this 90s Gianni Versace dress above on my very first A.B.C meet with the gorgeous Wendy Brandes back in July 2008.

This was my first Versace piece and in April I was so excited to pick up at my local charity shop The Art and Craft of Gianni Versace, see my post on it here.

It has been great to see how Lady Gaga has embraced vintage Versace and last month Grazia did a post on it and showed off some absolutely stunning pieces being sold by Zone7Style. I've just been browsing their Versace pieces and totally drooling-check out their amazing collection here

Lady Gaga wearing vintage Versace in her own ecletic, quirky stylish way:

Well onto my amazing find which is a 90s Versace Film Poster jacket:

I'm wearing it just with a cami and jeans but my full intention is to wear it with my cobalt blue Versace jeans.

Then again, maybe not, as head to toe in one label may not work that well, I'll have to try and see!

I was especially pleased to see that Zone7Style have the Versace film poster skirt in cord but I certainly could not wear the whole look as a suit!!!

Its only a few months until the eagerly awaited H&M and Versace collection.

So what is you opinion on Versace-vintage, modern or the new collaberation?


Penny Dreadful Vintage said...

I adore vintage Versace, and you could SO wear that jacket with the matching skirt. Zero interest in the H&M collection, I find their collabs rather dull xx

www.janetteria.com said...

Oh, that vintage Versace jacket looks fantastic on you!

Vix said...

I love it on you and Wendy. That jacket is just fabulous and the dress is so pretty on your lovely slim figure.
I occasionally find men's outrageous shirts and vivid jeans in charity shops but I've yet to find any women's wear. Maybe our local men are more outrageous. x

Please may I? said...

Looks fantastic on you sharon.

Love how you've styled it too.

X x

Caroline said...

Hi Sharon - don't think I'd be brave enough to wear your jacket, but I have to say it looks lovely on you. (And you look far better than Lady GaGa, too!) x

Wildernesschic said...

Fabulous on you .. both pieces.. I bought a Versace black dress almost ten years ago.. and it is still a favourite ..Its the cut xx

Smashingbird said...

These pieces look soo fab on you my dear! x

teawithonesugarplease said...

I could kick myself for getting rid my original Versace silk print shirt (as seen in ad worn by Linda Evangelista - back in the days). Fashion really is one big cycle

Ofelia said...

Versace was a master of prints and voluptuous colors!
Love the jacket on you; its classic and chic and you made it your own. You are so lucky to have many of his design pieces.

Perdita Tinsel said...

I definitely think you should style it with the blue jeans: OTT head-to-toe colour madness is part of the fun of Versace!!

hippyatheart said...

not very interested in any h&m collaborations, but your vintage finds are stunning! really adorable :)

Winterfell Mixed Media said...

Ok, MAJOR jacket envy here ! xx

Kerry Curl said...

I think you could pull off the head to toe look. You just need to embrace it and be bold. I looked at those jeans, they are lovely. I love cobolt/electric blue. It's probably my fave colour. x

WendyB said...

I'm thrilled that I was there at the start of your Versace love!

lunarossa said...

Absolutely love Versace but I am more of a Versace Vintage when Gianni was still alive...Great jacket! Ciao. A.x

Pratishtha Durga said...

Vintage Versace! LOVE :)

Your jacket is fabulous.

Comtesse de ferveur said...

LOVE vintage Versace and this film poster jacket is AMAZING! Always fab finds, Sharon! xxx

Pearl Westwood said...

I can't get enough of vintage Versace, you look fab as always xxx

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-your comments are so very kind and lovely, thanks so much to you all xxx

Christina @ Fashion's Most Wanted said...

You look gorgeous in both pieces Sharon xx

citizen rosebud said...

What a GREAT score!


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