
Jean Varon-70s does 40s tea dress

As you all may know, I love vintage dresses, especially if they're floral. I was lucky to find this lovely Jean Varon 70s crepe chiffon tea dress at one of the fairs I do. The dress dates to the 70s, but with the key hole opening at the back and batwing sleeve, definitely has a 40s feel to it and can be worn effortlessly from day to evening-with appropriate footwear of course!!

In Saturdays Guardian, Jess Cartner Morley is reviewing tea dresses and is wearing the infamous Miu Miu this season tea dress, which is totally gorgeous. She shows in her video what is on the high street this season from ASOS, Marks and Spencer, Warehouse and Topshop.

Of course, the tea dress vintage way offers the original real deal from the 40s or 70s and can be found either by thrifting at the charity shops or visiting a vintage fair near you.

Will you be wearing a tea dress this season?


Veshoevius said...

What a find! I adore tea dresses and this one in stunning! I was drooling over the Mui Mui dresses this season. But my they are a pretty packet!! Much friendlier to the wallet to get the real deal from a vintage dealer or one like yours which references the period from a later period.

Barbara von Enger said...

I adore the vintage dress you are wearing above - what a great find, too. The print is especially pretty.
Have a sweet weekend. xx

www.janetteria.com said...

Amazing! It looks perfect on U!

Have a lovely weekend, darling Sharon! :)

FairyFiligree said...

Lovely dress - I just sold an 80s batwing dress but yours is one dress I would have kept for myself...

Style At Every Age said...

Love this dress and it looks great on you. I bought a dress from Wallis a few months back that has dandelions on it, like the Miu Miu one x

Vix said...

Beautiful find and perfect on you. I saw Jess Carter-Morley in The Guardian's and before I'd even read your post thought yours was a million times better. x

CameronPoe2409 said...

You look lovely,and its such a beautiful dress. xx

lunarossa said...

Fantastic dress, especially on you! I love tea dresses on other ladies, I wouldn't wera them myself as I'm always too cold! Ciao. A.x.

Unknown said...

OMG I am drooling over that dress! Just beautiful and elegant. And the colors make it seasonless too, I think. I love this style of dress. My mother used to wear them back in the day and I will probably inherit hers, so if I one day have a daughter or daughter-in-law who likes vintage she'll end up with some treasures! ^_^

Seeker said...

What a lovely dress, the print is fantastic and you look beautiful dear.
Hope all is fine with you.


Please may I? said...

What a lovely dress, you look beautiful.

X x

hippyatheart said...

wonderful dress, reminds me so much on ossie clark designs

Style Eyes Ethical Fashion Blog said...

I love floral tea dresses, they are so feminine but comfy and easy to wear. I loved the Miu Miu ones but yours looks amazing. Vintage fairs and shops are definitely a much better place to shop for this look than the high street.

Make Do Style said...

IT IS GORGEOUS!! You look uber lovely in it xx

Caroline said...

You look absolutely lovely in that dress, Sharon - it really suits you. x

Perdita Tinsel said...

This looks super.

I love a tea dress - mine are rather summery for this chilly weather though.

Lakota [Faith Hope and Charity Shopping] said...

That's gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

You find the most amazing things and this looks so lovely on you - perfect! I love dresses but don't have one for the Autumn/Winter :-(

WendyB said...

That's lovely. I wonder if some of my Ossies count as tea dresses?

Ofelia said...

Great find and it looks so lovely on you!

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-so lovely of you all for these kind and lovely comments, so much appreciated xxx

Comtesse de ferveur said...

Gorgeous gorgeous find Sharon! That Miu Miu is everywhere, so nice to have a fresh and original vintage take on the style! xxx

Thea vintage said...

Oh the print is just lovely on the Varon dress :-)



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