
Cocoon coats, Vintage v Modern

Cocoon coats have been in style for decades now and the earliest picture I can see is from Balenciagas Fall 1954 collection, featuring this rather fashionable cocoon design:

Fast forward more than half a century and Prada have the style in their Autumn/Winter 2011 collection-the shape and cut is so easily such a style classic, reinvented by different designers virtually every decade in plain or printed versions:

Before I realised the coccon coat was back in fashion this winter, I had bought this 1960s heritage green version for my vintage fashion fair stall. It had not sold all year and I decided to try it on last month as an alternative day winter coat and its been in my own wardrobe ever since!

Lisa Armstrong did an article on cocoon coats last month, featuring an Etro claret version and I do agree with her that they are such a style which tend to go with skirts or trousers and have the added bonus of allowing thick jumpers underneath without creating extra bulk.

Here is my Aquascutum coat in action with skinny jeans-its a perfect day coat and I really love the colour too:

What style of coat are you currently in this winter?


Louise Mc said...

That's such a smart and warm looking coat. Excellent. X

Rebecca said...

What a great coat! I really like the suede(?) detail on the collar. Just the right touch. Happy New Year, by the way!

Anonymous said...

I am in love with your green coat! Gorgeous!

Kezzie said...

Oooh what lovely thick material!!!
I really like duffle coats! I wear a variety of coats but I bought a little scrufy duffle and I love it!

Perdita Tinsel said...

That coat is a wonderful colour!

I have 3 coats on the go: faux fur, classic black tailored and a tweed jacket. I also have a little swing coat and a raincoat...my coat rack is quite full!

www.janetteria.com said...

Love Ur piece. :)

WendyB said...

Yours is such a nice color!

Heather said...

very cute love it!! ~And it will keep you warm while looking great ~Love Heather

Vix said...

It looks brilliant on you, such a gorgeous colour.
Aquascutum really seems an unpopular label these days, I blame the football hooligans, it was posh and lovely until they hi-jacked it!
I couldn't even start to tell you which coat I'm wearing this season, there's far too many to mention. xxx

Please may I? said...

Looks very warm, which you need in this horrid weather.

Adore the green colour too.

X x

hippyatheart said...

really a lovely coat you found!

Style Eyes Ethical Fashion Blog said...

I have had real trouble finding a stylish coat that fits a jumper underneath. In the end I got a kind of grown up duffle coat a size too big. I love the colour and the shape of your coat.

Ella said...

your coat is stunning and i just love the colour! I found a wool camel coat in a charity shop which is currently my jacket of choice xx
Ella @ Belle Vintage

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks for stopping by with your lovely comments! xxx

Style At Every Age said...

That Prada coat is amazing. I have to say I have never had a coat in this shape although I like it very much!

FairyFiligree said...

Missed your first post of the year and am just seeing it now. DIdn't know this style was called cocoon. INspiring name - suggests super assured cosiness. Happy New Year! Am I imagining things or did you change your hairstyle just slightly?

Veshoevius said...

Aquascatum? What a find! You look very cosy in it!

Cadmium said...

I do like this coat - and am very intrigued by the scarf you are wearing underneath!

Unknown said...

That is one beautiful coat! Love the color -- in fact, it's the one color I'm looking for in clothes this season. Something about it just gets to me in a profound way. Maybe I need to go hang out in forests more! ^_^


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