
Thrift Inspiration, Stella McCartney-paisley style

This week saw Stella McCartney launch the new Summer Olympics kits for Great Britain. There has been a mixed reaction to her designs of it, but I was inspired by her own label pyjama style blouse and trousers in paisley. I do really like paisley but can't see myself doing a top to toe look, although it does suit Stella:

For todays outfit, I decided to wear a vintage paisley midi skirt from the 80s, which is by St Michael (Marks and Spencer) and is in shades of taupe,green and pink.

Because it was chilly first thing I wore black boots and my black biker jacket, with a pale peach pashmina and my Topshop denim gilet underneath. The only item not thrifted was my long sleeved grey tee by TU from Sainsburys.

The skirt is quite a thin crepe style, ideal for summer with a cami and flip flops or for Spring or Autumn dressed with layers, like how I'm wearing here:

I also went to the boot sale today and was fortunate to pick up some items that I wanted- a couple of summer scarves by Topshop and Miss Selfridge for 50p each, a brand new French Breton tee in red and white for £3 and I found a cute vintage summer skirt by Versace for only £3 too!

I wish you all a great week ahead and I hope to visit you all with comments very soon!!


Vix said...

What a fabulous outfit! I love a paisley print and that skirt is perfection teamed with the leather jacket and pretty scarf.
Your finds sound great, looking forward to seeing them! x

Louise Mc said...

I do like a spot of paisley myself. This is a lovely look. Xx

Perdita Tinsel said...

Love paisley too. I love how you team it with leather (a fave way of working patterns for me, too!).

Northern Living Allowance said...

You still look more fab than any "proper" model, Sharon-Rose! :)

Anonymous said...

I love this outfit. Beautiful skirt.

Anonymous said...

I love this outfit. Beautiful skirt.

Kezzie said...

Hurrah for Paisley! I love it!
Where was the bootsale? Sounds like you found some good items!

elegancemaison said...

I was a bit disappointed by the athletes outfits though I did like Stella's own. But I like your outfit even better.Cx

Make Do Style said...

I love a bit of Paisley print action - it seems the way to go xx

FairyFiligree said...

Love your new picture backgrounds - all the greenery :)

Rebecca said...

I like the combination! I sure wish I could figure out how to tie and be comfortable in scarves. You wear them so well...

(I'll be featuring more fashion on my "thrift blog" in about 6 pounds! I'm very close to a weight at which I don't mind shopping for clothes. Hope to see you then.)

WendyB said...

I'm more inspired by those rock-solid abs...gotta step up my workouts!

Heather said...

Oh you look super cute! Love the leather with the soft style of skirt and black boots! sounds like you found some great stuff a Versace skirt!! Enjoy those new finds Love Heather

Heather said...

Oh you look super cute! Love the leather with the soft style of skirt and black boots! sounds like you found some great stuff a Versace skirt!! Enjoy those new finds Love Heather

Style Eyes Ethical Fashion Blog said...

I am a big fan of paisley too. Jil Sander SS12 had some fantastic pieces, all sadly out of my price range but paisly is one of those prints that has been around for ages so is perfect for thrifting. I love your skirt!

Lakota [Faith Hope and Charity Shopping] said...

All my friends and I had paisley shirts back in about 1990, I loved it and wore it to death though we must have all looked quite daft matching!

Your skirt is very pretty, not sure I'd wear Stella's but she just about carries it off with the addition of the heels. £3 Versace skirt? Do share!

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-such lovely comments, thanks so much to you all! xxx

Kezzie said...

Sharon, where have you gone? Come back!!!!!

Unknown said...

Hello Sharon Rose! ^_^
You look marvelous, as usual! I would never thought to have paired a lightweight printed skirt with a leather jacket, but your outfit is so lovely and chic! I have a leather jacket so I need to try something like this.

miriam said...

you are so cool :) xx

Thea vintage said...

Just found your blog! We seem ti share the same passion for thrifting & vintage :-)



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