
Outfit post for Thrift Inspiration-Yayoi Kusama style!!

Hi everyone!!! It is well documented that Louis Vuitton's latest artistic collaberation is with Yayoi Kusama who is an 82 year old Japanese artist obsessed with polka dots and has produced a really awesome collection including leather bags, shoes, accessories and jewellery.

Her exhibition is currently showing in New York:

I was suitably inspired to wear my H&M and Comme des Garcons collab shirt that I thrifted last year in my local Salvation Army. As we are having such in-between weather it's the perfect layering piece over vest tees when a jacket is not required:

I am also wearing my thrifted J Brand Earhart khaki crops which were just £2 from a neighbouring towns Sense charity shop. My navy and white floral pumps are from Primark, £4.

And for all of you who remember me with long hair, it's all now cropped off!!!

Whats your thoughts on polka dots-do you like the large or little variety-do you actually like them at all??


That's Not My Age said...

I love polka dots, Kusama & your shirt! Fab new haircut, btw x

Louise Mc said...

I lobe polka dots, big, small and of all colours... I could see how someone could become obsessed with them. I love your new hair, its very stylish. X

Vix said...

Love Kusama and adore your shirt, too. I haven't many polka dots in my wardrobe but what I do have I love. Your new hair really suits you. xxx

Lakota [Faith Hope and Charity Shopping] said...

You've managed a masterclass in not making polka dots look twee so for that I salute you! And J Brand for £2? You are good at finding the designer pieces cheap as chips.

Your hair looks great, suits you.x

Kezzie said...

Your hair looks really really lovely!!! I noticed straight away! Do you know, I am SURE I saw that shirt in the Sally army!! Really, it seems familiar!!!
I ADORE polka dots! They've got a really nice rose and polka dot dress in the shop at the moment, I noticed it as I went past on the bus on my way to the Post delivery office!

Perdita Tinsel said...

Love the hair.

Did you go to her South Bank exhibition a couple of years back? It was great!

Emma Litton said...

You look so super cute! I love polka dots any size! The more polka dots the merrier.


WendyB said...

I saw the show in London right before I met up with you! I got her autobiography. Looking forward to reading it.

Rebecca said...

I love polka dots - large and small (though I don't own any polka-dotted pieces myself, now that I think about it).

And your hair! The sweetest ever! What a change. Was it a little traumatic, getting it cut?

Thea vintage said...

Love your polka dot commes de garcon blouse!

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-so kind of you all to leave your lovley comments, thanks a lot! xxx

budgetchic said...

Loving this, I like how your polka dot blouse works with your sneakers! Casual and extra cute.


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