
Blogger Inspiration......My Autumnal Thrift Must Haves

Hi everyone!! Style and fashion wise, I have been so inspired by my lovely blog friends these last few weeks- From the lovely Mrs Thats Not My Age whose love of French Chic, current crush on midnight blue and Burberry trenchcoats has inspired me big style. Not forgetting the wonderful Vintage Vixen who is a constant style inspiration with her never ending awesome jumble sale finds and her love of faux fur.

So based on these lovely ladies style loves, it was easy to create my Autumn Thrift Essentials List- the concept of which is currently being posted by Atlantis Home here and here and which gave me the inspiration to share with you my favourite finds this year and last year which have made my top picks for this season:

First are these black cowboy boots that are by New Look that I found earlier this year-they were only £2 and with cowboy boots firmly back on the style radar this Autumn make these my footwear choice this season-perfect with black skinny jeans:

This next find was a few weeks ago-its a mens slightly oversize v neck merino wool sweater by Gant in this seasons favourite colour of wine. It's a great layering piece-a great alternative to a sweatshirt and was found in the Salvation Army for just £3.99. It's also my take on getting into this colour trend without going up the coloured jeans route-not to say they aren't great but a mid blue shade of jean is my current style choice for Autumn:

Of course a v neck will require a couple of different style blouses and my next find is one I've had for a couple of years now-it's a midnight blue vintage crepe de chine pussy bow blouse by Aquascutum which was another bargain from the Salvation Army for just £2.99. A pussy bow blouse is a perfect Autumnal style as it means a scarf is not required with your chosen outfit:

My next find was from the summer boot sale and is an oyster silk shirt (originally a shirt dress, but shortened by me as the bottom was too tight!) by Equipment- a total find for £2 and perfect for under v neck sweaters:

My most recent find was this vintage mens trenchcoat- I was drawn to it as it is a perfect knee length and just slightly oversized if I want to wear a chunky sweater or layers underneath-its a fine example of trench coat tailoring and was £14.99 from the Barnados charity shop:

My last find was a total Vix find in that I found it from my one and only jumble sale of this year for a rock bottom bargainous price of £1.50! It is a faux fur gilet by the Debenhams brand 'Maine' and I've worn it twice already, making it a current cost per wear of 75p!! I love how its a size bigger than my normal jackets so I can wear it as a layering piece over my favourite black leather biker jacket and the collar is a high one, making it soo cosy and the colour is perfect-a mix of light and dark grey:

So thats it!! What bloggers have inspired you for your latest buys this Autumn, I'd love to share your current style crushes! Thanks for all your well wishes-along with my current regime of R&R, they have made me feel so much better emotionally if not quite physically, lol!! All your comments are so much appreciated and I hope you're all having a great week so far!


Barbara von Enger said...

I love Vintage Vixen's blog. She is such a warm spirit and inspiration.

Your red coat looks divine. I've been vintage shopping this week here in Paris;-)

Frocktasia said...

Hi there,
Vix is the queen of inspiration :)
I bagged a pair of red & black vintage Wrangler cowboy boots a while back and I've worn them loads already, so cowboy boots is definitely on my style radar. I'm also wearing my small collection of camo jackets to death too, my fave has a print of Bob Marley on the back.
Happy Halloween :)

hippyatheart said...

Hi my dear,
I love your boots, what a bargain!
have a fab helloween!

you and vix are my no one inspirations, love your thrifty styles

Perdita Tinsel said...

I love all your finds! I am very into boots at the moment, too.

Veshoevius said...

What fab finds these are. Love those boots! The furry gilet is great too.

Vix said...

I'm blushing! Thanks for the love, you are an inspiration with your finds! Loving the cowboy boots (I'm still waiting for the perfect pair), the fake fur is gorgeous and I adore the blouses! Hope you're feeling much better now. xxx

Style Eyes said...

Fantastic finds especially the cowboy boots. I have just unearthed a pair from the back of my wardrobe, I think I am going to be wearing them lots.

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-your comments are lovely, thanks so much for stopping by xxx

Unknown said...

Lovely post !

Wow you really scored good pieces !!



WendyB said...

Vix has mad influence! :-D


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