
Tim Walker Exhibition at Somerset House

Hi everyone!! Sorry for not getting over to you and leaving comments-I'm very much the 'blogger lurker' at the moment in that I am visiting your blogs to read, but not leaving comments-naughty I know, but still very self indulgent and enjoyable!!
Last month saw a visit to the Tim Walker exhibition at Somerset House which was made all the more enjoyable as it was with the lovely Mrs TNMA. We enjoyed a fabulous chat in Fernandez and Wells before viewing the exhibition. I will let the pictures do the talking-all I will say is its a free exhibition and is on until 27 January, so if you are in London check out the link above for more information and do try and stop by for a visit:

I hope you are all having a great week-I'm currently still not a well bunny so have nothing more than rest and recouperation on the menu!!


J. said...

Looks really amazing, would love to see this exhibition!

hippyatheart said...

such a great exhabition, his photographs are amazing! really fragile looking young people

CameronPoe2409 said...

Great pictures, looks like an amazing exhibition. Hope you feel better soon. xx

Style At Every Age said...

Looks like you had a fab day! Hope you are OK now honey xx

Vix said...

Green with envy! I'd have loved to have seen that Tim Walker show (& spend the day with you and Mrs TNMA). You both look fab (and the exhibition doesn't look half bad either!)
hope you feel better soon. xxx

Style Eyes said...

I hope that you are feeling better soon! this exhibition looks really fun.

Make Do Style said...

Ah what fun! How you feeling? Xx

Unknown said...

I'm a huge fan of Tim Walker !!!

Great post !!



Fashion Milkshake Blog

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-your comments are so lovely and much appreciated, thanks so much!! xx


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