
Happy Christmas and some thrifting Peruvian style!!

Hi everyone!! I would just like to take this opportunity of wishing all of my fellow blogger friends, commenters and readers a really Wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year! 2012 seems to have passed so quickly and I must say it's been not a bad year at all-quite mixed really regarding health and work issues but family wise which is the most important, it has been very good indeed so I really do give thanks for that.

I do so hope you are all looking forward to Christmas and your preparations are in full swing. I have done all my present shopping and tomorrow will see me complete my food and drinks shop-thereafter it will be a menu of relaxation, eating, drinking and being extremely thankful of being able to celebrate this special time of year. Being a thrifty Mrs I tend not to go overboard at Christmas with material items and spending unnecessarily-as long as we eat well over Christmas and my family are happy and healthy this is all that matters. Myself and DH have given each other and the boys just ONE present each -our gifts are what we all truly wanted so it will be special for each one of us. My boys will both receive exactly what they asked for as prudent saving has ensured they got what they desired-no tat or quantity over quality at chez thriftmystyle!!

Anyhow, back to all things stylewise- I was particularly pleased to thrift this week my second item of favourite label 'Peruvian Collection'. If you haven't heard of them before do check out their website which is a gorgeous offering of all things exquisite and unique which have been crafted by highly skilled Andean artisans-craftswomen whose textile tradition goes back millennia. Their gorgeous knit and woven pieces are made from luxury fibres native to the Andes—silky soft alpaca and Peruvian pima cotton.  My first item was thrifted last year and is a wonderful pima cotton intricately woven patterned tote bag and as soon as I saw this in the PDSA a few days ago I knew I had to have it:

Its a wonderfully warm and stylish felted baby alpaca and wool jacket which feels amazing on. 

So on that note I am now officially starting my Christmas break with the family and I look forward to catching up with you all very soon- wishing you seasons greetings and a peaceful and prosperous 2013.


Vix said...

Your Xmas sounds perfect, full of love rather than flashy gifts and excess!
I'd admired a Peruvian Collection dress in a charity shop in town for weeks and sadly never bought it, the quality was amazing. that jacket looks lovely.
Happy Xmas! xxx

Ella said...

That jacket is gorgeous! Merry Christmas to you xx
Love from Ella @ Belle Vintage

WendyB said...

That looks cozy.

The RedViolet said...

Wonderful jacket.

Would you like to follow each other?

Let us know on:

Kiss, Selina & Olivia, The RedViolet

Mónica said...

that jacket is really nice, I remember many times whenever I go to charity shops, etc, because I never find the bargains you get all the time!! I wish you a happy Xmas :) x

Bex said...

I so love that jacket! Each friday host the frugal friday fashion show link up you should pop pover and join in! http://family-budgeting.co.uk/2012/12/06/the-frugal-friday-fashion-show-linky-5/


hippyatheart said...

wishing you all the best for 2013, dear Sharon! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas party over there! xx

Pearl Westwood said...

Wishing you a very merry xmas my dear xx

Ofelia said...

Sharon, I hope that you and your family will have a fun and healthy 2013 and I can wait to see photos of you with this amazing jacket.
Love, Ofelia

Sharon said...

Hi there! thanks so much for all the lovely comments!! xxxx


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