
Cost per wear best buy of 2012-Stella McCartney tote bag

Hi everyone! Wishing you all a Very Happy New Year and I hope you are enjoying your lovely Christmas presents and your post Christmas sales bargains-from reading your blogs, a lot of you have really scored with your stylish sale finds that really seem to be worthwhile fashion investment pieces.

As happy as I am with my Christmas and sales goodies, I thought I would show my best thrift buy of 2012-based purely on a cost per wear basis. 
This tote bag was a find in early September at my local boot sale and was an amazing price of just 30p!! It has proved an invaluable buy as I can chuck anything in it and it doesn't weigh anything, plus if I know I may buy a few things I keep it folded in my chosen handbag until it's needed. A perfect bag for my trips to the bootys and charity shops:

In the last three months I have been using it solidly- at least 60 days!! So on a cost per wear basis it works out to less than 0.5p a day!! Pricewise I don't think any of my purchases last year come close to that and for an item that is not only stylish but functional and sturdy it has to be voted my 'best buy' of  2012.

Looking back to last year what has been your best buy- either on a 'cost per wear' basis or based on discount, value and style?


Rebecca said...

Such a great way to calculate value! I wear one particular skirt so frequently and over a period of so many years that its cost-per-wear probably wouldn't even compute!

www.janetteria.com said...

Oh, congrats Honey. Nice work and this bag is really cool!

CameronPoe2409 said...

Fab bargain and I love your fashion-mathmatics!xx

Ofelia said...

Cool bag and what a great find!
I hope that you are having a happy and stylish 2013.

hippyatheart said...

a good handbag always is a wise investment, isn't it? nice bag!

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks a lot for all your lovely comments, much appreciated xxx

Kezzie said...

Wow! That's a great find! Hmm, not sure what my best purchase has been!


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