
Swimwear for Summer

With summer just around the corner that dreaded time to don the swimwear is almost upon us but is your winter body all set to step into summer?!
With the fabulous range of styles that are already coming onto the market in anticipation for the upcoming summer season, you might have recently spotted the perfect little swimsuit, bikini or tankini that you have in mind for your summer holiday. However, over the winter months, like many people you may have neglected the diet and the gym in favour of some creature comforts and winter warmers.

But do not fear; there is plenty of time to prepare your body to fit into that beachwear and look good in it. Simply get your diet back in order with a little common sense that says put the biscuits back and with spring coming up, take advantage of the weather and introduce a walk into your daily routine or, even better, a run. Also try drinking plenty of water and less alcohol.

To ensure you look your absolute best, make sure your desired swimwear is flattering to your shape and size; there is something out there for everyone so do not think that one bad bikini means you need to lock yourself away for the whole season. It is no longer simply a question of a swimsuit, bikini or tankini anymore but a halter neck top, a bandeau style top, swimwear to suck in where you want and push up where you want, bold print, elegant print and the list goes on. Know your shape and find a style that best suits you.

If you have a summer holiday coming up and are looking for the perfect swimwear try visiting bonprix.co.uk where you will find a range of styles designed to make the most of those curves, to shape where needed and to offer support and comfort.  


Unknown said...

Hi, Lovely to see some swimwear and to think we might get some sun soon! p.s. Scary thought peeling off all those layers...who knows what lays underneath! xx

Perdita Tinsel said...

I bought my bikini in late summer last year - in the sale! I will have to dig it out when the weather gets better.

www.janetteria.com said...

Yepp, do a diet and buy a perfect bikini... I need a one-piece I think...so many bikini! Hihi!

Anonymous said...

I am on ANOTHER diet in preparation for the swimwear shop...definitely worse than jeans shopping!! xx

ADesign said...

Swimwears are my weak point :)
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Kezzie said...

I like the vintage look swimsuits,low legs and nicely covered up! Can't wait to be able to wear summer stuff!x

elegancemaison said...

That first swimsuit is so pretty and flattering. Sadly diets are not so easy for some of us! But I will definitely check out Bon Prix for future beach holidays, thanks. Cx

Style At Every Age said...

Oh blimey I've just eaten a donut and go away in 6 weeks!

Ofelia said...

Sharon, how great of you to share this links and these affordable and stylish swimsuits!

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-your comments are very much appreciated, thanks so much!


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