
Thrift Inspiration........Gap Trench for £1!!!

Hi everyone! I hope you all had a great weekend and enjoyed some moments in the sunshine-the weather appears to be creeping up temperature wise so hopefully we can now say Spring is here, yay!!!

On a thrifting trip last week I went into a town that I had not visited for a few months and one of the lures to visit is there is a £1 charity shop-the Sense charity have been doing this for quite a long while here so it must be very popular. After looking at all the other charity shops I didn't see anything that really inspired me so when I went into Sense I wasn't really expecting anything.
The manager was in the back room steaming and sorting items and as I walked past the room I saw the Gap trench coat hanging up. She said it was going to be put out so I said I would take it and as I had it in my hand I noticed a full length Tissavel faux fur coat which she had only put out a few minutes earlier so that was snatched up too! Two coats for £2, less than a regular sized coffee and these definitely raised my adrenalin levels without the need for caffeine!!

So here is the Gap trench after I had laundered and pressed it-it is a cotton coat and unlined so is very low maintenance in the care stakes. I would go so far to say the coats are my best thrifted items for 2013 so far, you really can't go wrong with quality items at such ridiculously low prices!

There are a lot of traditional features on the trench, around the neckline, shoulder and collars and the back has an inverted pleat detail too. 

Sizewise, it is just slightly bigger than I may have chosen if bought brand new, but I can't complain for £1!! Actually it fits fine around the shoulders and the sleeves are a perfect length it just feels roomy around the body from the waist down but that could be because of the double breasted style which I'm not used to:

My weekend outfit of choice was a thrifted boyfriend style denim shirt which was £2 from a local charity shop, black wet look ruched leggings and my trusty black leather Marks & Spencer biker style ankle boots:

I'm also wearing an Eiffel Tower pendant that I bought when I went to Paris for my 40th birthday

I am linking this post to the lovely Patti at Not Dead Yet Style for Visible Monday.

What has been you best bargain of the year so far-was it thrifted from the boot sale or charity shop or did you get an amazing bargain in the recent sales, please share!!


Helen Le Caplain said...

Fabulous finds! I love the feeling of getting great clothing at such bargain prices :)

Re the trench - I sometimes wear mine open with the belt tied at the back to give a sleeker silhouette (it stops it flapping about in the wind!!)

Enjoy your brilliant bargains!


Unknown said...


two birds said...

what a great find! hopefully you will model the other coat on the blog soon!

Vix said...

I love the £1 chazzas! That coat looks lovely on you! x

Anonymous said...

You scored big time - can't ever go wrong with a classic trench. It looks perfect on you and yes, agree it's the double breasted style that's meant to be slightly roomy but as long as the shoulders and sleeves fit, it's fine.
I would say my fav items are coats too because I get so much wear from them, especially this endless winter and tailored shapes are my first love.

Mrs C said...

I guess you've hit a jackpot with this trench - classic cut and color, good quality and at a good price!


Mrs C said...

Thanks for following me :) I'm your new follower no. 338

Patti said...

Wonderful classic trench! You will love wearing it, I am certain. And the Eiffel Tower pendant is so special, love it. Thanks for sharing with Visible Monday!

Avril x said...

A great find - well done you! Looking forward to seeing the other one too Sharon! Ax

Veshoevius said...

No!! £1??? What a bargain! And the denim shirt is a steal too. Great look!

Helga said...

It's pretty awesome! A little bigger is great for when it's really cold, so you can get more under it!
What an amazing score! X

Style At Every Age said...

Two for £2 and one for spring and one for winter, amazing, well done you! x

Please may I? said...

WOW! What fab bargains you got.

X x

Frocktasia said...

Total bargain, can't beat a good trench...xXx

Flora Cruft said...

Love that trench, looks so pretty on you! What a find!

As a fellow Visible Mondayer, do pop by my blog if you get the time.


mispapelicos said...

That is my type of buy, yeahhhhhhhhhhh, and looks regal on you.
Well done Sharon.

Rakel said...

Lovely Trench! :):)

Unknown said...

Wow Sharon, that coat looks like it was designed for you! What great finds!

CameronPoe2409 said...

That's an amazing bargain, well done. It does seem strange that the Charity Shop is only charging a pound for decent items like this but it is their loss. xx

Heather said...

WOW what a steal!! Great find! you look adorable in it ~Love Heather

Unknown said...

The cool thing about a "trench with a past" is that it automatically comes with a built-in kind of glamour that you can't buy in a brand new one. There's that been-in-the-trenches, kissed-at-a-train-station, solved-a-noir-mystery referential thing! Not to mention the ever popular wore-this-with-nothing-underneath-to-surprise-my-lover reference.
That's a lot to get for two pounds!

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks so much for all of these lovely comments and for reading, it really is much appreciated xxx

Kezzie said...

OOOoh, cool! Is that Barking? I didn;t know they did the £1 thing?! You look great! And can't wait to see the fur coat!
I guess my best item I've got this year (i.e. since Jan) is my Jaeger coat- I adore it! It was £24 but it was totally worth it! x


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