
Found- A casual hat for those bad hair days!!

Hi everyone! I've noticed a continued thread on a lot of my posts in that I've been doing a fair bit of shopping  for accessories in Primark over the last few weeks.

Price wise, it's been great picking up trend led and stylish pieces for well under £10 and this cap I'm wearing is no exception. I was on a hunt for clothes for my younger son-promise!-but made a slight detour, still keeping in the men's section to the accessories where I spied this hat-only a bargainous £3!! But what I like most about it is it doesn't have the traditional 5 panels that a lot of baseball and trucker caps have and from trying on my eldest sons evergrowing collection of caps, I knew this was a style I had to steer clear of as it really doesn't suit me or look right either. This particular style has just a couple of panels and a fairly curved peak-not dead straight and not too curved-for the money I am pleased that I've actually found one that I really like:

This look just has to be worn casually, so I wore my black leather biker jacket, grey marl top and grey River Island skinny jeans:

Hmm, some more Primark here too- these 3 necklaces were a set for less than £2, but style wise, just perfect for me- I do love a touch of skull and diamante!!

Plus I'm wearing my large neon hoop earrings-also from Primark!! I must admit that I do like a lot of their items, but I do have to hunt for the pieces that are right for me and make sure that I ignore a lot of the lesser quality and overly trendy things that are really not my cup of tea at all.

Wishing you all a great week ahead, the weather here in the South East of England is positively glorious and I'm trying to make the most of it by being out and about as much as possible, here's hoping you get a chance to do the same!!


Anne said...

I really wish I could wear any style of hat but they just don't suit me at all!You look great...enjoy the sunny days!

hippyatheart said...

really great finds and very rock n roll in style!

Kezzie said...

I'm all in favour of hats!!!! Hurrah for finding a lovely chic, simple black one- so versatile!x

WendyB said...

I've been looking for a chic cap. Nice find!

Style At Every Age said...

The cap really looks fab, you so pull it off! Just goes to show we shouldn't just stick to the women's departments! x

Ofelia said...

Cool and rock and roll chic outfit!
I always find great shirts and tees in the men section of many of our retail stores.

Vix said...

That hat really suits you! x

Sharon said...

Hi ladies-your comments are great, thanks for stopping by! xx


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