
Ralph Lauren Fair Isle and Some Musings on My Blogging Future

Hi everyone!! Please excuse my absence recently, having started my new role as a library assistant I have been learning my trade by being at different libraries within my borough as well as my main local one. I am so enjoying my new job and it's great to work in the serenity and quaintness of the smaller libraries as well as the ever busy main library in which I am doing so many different duties. Being away from work for over a year because of health issues meant I had quite a lot of time on my hands to go thrifting, read and post blogs and of course doing housework at my leisure- now time seems to be running away from me and although it feels work is coming first at the moment, I wouldn't have it any other way. It's great to be in a job that I actually look forward to going to and making a difference too-unfortunately my blog posting has taken a back seat because of this and also because I am enjoying my free time by reading more books and blogs without actually leaving comments.

My blog is six years old in March (!!) and it's been a real journey of building relationships and friendships and a labour of love of showing my thrift finds. I've been extremely fortunate this year to find some awesome items, such as my Chanel jacket and my MaxMara coat and I always get a buzz from finding designer and vintage pieces for next to nothing, but I admit to being disillusioned with the boot sales this year-I've had much more success at the charity shops and without the need to be up at the crack of dawn too!

 As I said before, I am in the process of re-evaluating my work/life balance and I'm not entirely sure how my blog fits in the equation at the moment. It may well be that as Christmas is approaching, like everyone else life and work are priorities but as much as I love thrifting, style and fashion I am not sure if the 'passion' is still there for me to carry on blogging on a very regular basis. I suppose only time will tell, but I think my blog posting will be more infrequent and sporadic for the foreseeable future. I do however really enjoy my blog reading regularly so I will be attempting to comment more regularly via bloglovin.

This may well be my last outfit post of the year, so I thought I'd share a recent look from earlier this week when I wasn't working in my regulation work polo tee and black jeans! I am wearing my thrifted Ralph Lauren Fair Isle tank sweater, Primark chambray shirt, recently thrifted wine colour River Island skinny jeans and black leather studded Dune ankle biker boots:

A close up of my sweater- it is a really cosy top and with a shirt underneath gives just the right amount of warmth on days that are not freezing cold!!

I would also like to say as a given that my blog would not be where or what it is without the constant support, friendship and readers that regularly stop by to either lurk, read or comment- I am so thankful and humbled by the amount of love that is sent my way via the blog and without any of you I would have stopped blogging a long while ago. Even if one person is inspired or enjoys a particular post on my blog that makes me feel so appreciative and thankful and it's honestly been the catalyst for me to have carried on posting.
I do hope to stay in 'blogland' for the forseeable future but things and life do have a habit of changing so it is much a scenario of 'Watch this space!'

I would like to take this opportunity of wishing you all a very Happy, Peaceful and Festive Christmas and a Successful and Healthy 2014, God Bless You All xxxxxxx

UPDATED TO ADD-All my lovely comments have inspired to share my post with the wonderful Claire Justine for Creative Mondays and I really want to say a massive big thank you for all of your kind words, support and comments!!


hippyatheart said...

Oh sharon, it would be hard to loose you, hope you keep on blogging, even when it's only twice a month ore something like that. love your blog! fab outfit!

Rebecca said...

What a lovely outfit, Sharon. And congratulations on landing such a pleasant and useful job. It sounds like a "dream job" to me!

I wish YOU much success and health in the new year as well as joyful celebrations through the Christmas season.

Hope to hear from you now and then and will definitely miss you if you cannot blog regularly...

Putri Valentina said...

Love your sweater vest dear :D


Anonymous said...

I just love yout look! That tank is wonderful and another great find too.
Congrats on a job you love and I really, really hope you can continue to blog! But I do understand if you should stop - sob! All the very best wishes to you and your family :-) xx

Style At Every Age said...

Oh Sharon I know so well how this feels, I've had a few wobbles over the years and have taken longish breaks when life has got in the way. I always ended up missing it so much, I came back and only time will tell if you end up feeling the same. You were one of my first blogging reads and online friends so will be sorely missed by me amongst others. Perhaps in the new year we will get that meet up you mentioned on your day out in London post, I would love that. So I raise a glass of bubbly to my namesake and wish you a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year too my friend xxxxx

Vix said...

I love doing just that, not posting and just catching up on reading and enjoying what my virtual friends are up to. Whilst I'll miss you I can fully understand the need for a break, but I do hope you'll continue to update us and post sporadically. I've known you for 4 years and would miss you!
Have a happy Xmas and a fab new year if I don't see you before! xxx

www.janetteria.com said...

Lovely vest!

Unknown said...

love this outfit on you! and congrats on the new job, good luck with it hun! x

Anne said...

Lovely outfit Sharon! Best of luck with the new job and I hope you have a wonderful Christmas:)
~Anne xx

Anonymous said...

Blogging and it's importance In our lives changes, I find. I used to blog 5x a week and loved it. Now I blog maybe once a week, when I can and when the mood strikes, without pressure. Blogging can mirror life but isn't life, in my opin - some may disagree but that's where my head is. All the best with your new job, Sharon, and I hope to see you a wee bit in the New Year. And I love the vest. These days I am grooving on that Fair Isle look, ski sweaters, and 1970s space dyed cardigans with big floppy sleeves. Happy holidays! Xoxo

Kezzie said...

I absolutely love your blog so you are forbidden to stop blogging BUT you can just do it every so often and we will still come and love what you do!!! AND, I WILL come and see you in the library one day soon!!x

CuratingMi said...

My goodness Sharon, I didn't realise you had been blogging for 6 years!! Crikey, that's amazing! I do hope you will keep going...even if it's only in and out to share your fantastic finds!! Having only recently found you, I have really enjoyed reading your blog and picking up tips on how to thrift! I know how hard it is to cram everything in at the moment.....I too am struggling to juggle everything! It is so lovely to hear that you are really enjoying your new job!

I wish you a lovely Christmas and look forward to hopefully seeing you in the New Year blog-wise and hopefully in person ;0) x

Sharon said...

Hippy At Heart- Ahh thanks my dear, I'm hoping to keep going, even if it is irregular, thanks for your support! xxx

Rebecca-thanks so much for your kind and lovely words, I will always stop by to see what you are upto! xxx

Putri Valentina-Thank you for your comment and for stopping by too! xxx

SilkPathDiary-Your support is also so much valued, thanks for your kind words and I will always stop by your blog too xxx

Janet-thanks so much my dear! xxx

Sharron-A constant support and I so value your thoughts and opinion, thanks for sharing your views and I can't wait to see you next year xxx

Vix-My fellow thrifter and vintage lover, you've been a lovely blog friend and a great support, thanks for your kind words xxx

Cindy Ng- Thank you for your lovely comment and for stopping by! xxx

Anne-best wishes to you too and thanking you for your lovely words xxx

Kelly-You are spot on in your thoughts, I need to tell myself not to feel guilty for not blogging and certainly just do it if and when the mood is right, thanks for your input and wise words and happy holidays to you too-I'll still be checking out your awesome outfits and finds! xxx

Kezzie-haha, whatever happens we will meet up next year! Can't wait to sit and chat with you-thanks for being a great support too xxx

Michelle-You are a new and valued blog friend and can't wait to see you as planned in the new Year, thanks for your lovely comment xxx

onesugarplease said...

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a happy 2014 xxx take all the time you need for your blog break and glad the new job is working out well for you

Sharon said...

Onesugarplease- thanks for your kind words, I am going to take your good advice!! xxx

Debbie Stinedurf said...

Love the blue with the burgundy/plum pants. Congrats on the new job I'm glad you love it!

Claire Justine said...

Great looks Sharon, wow 6 years, gosh I know how you feel. It takes so much time blogging and blog hop I don't find much time to visit others so looking forward to catching up with everyone over Christmas. I hope to see you still doing the odd posts?, love to stop by and see your bargains :) Merry Christmas xx

Sue said...

So pleased that the job is going so well for you but can totally understand how the blogging may/can take a backseat - hey I can't even manage Christmas so how some people manage with a job, Christmas and blogging, I don't know. Just pop in and out when you can and you're still on my reading list so I can always catch up. If I don't blog before Christmas or don't catch you around - Happy Christmas!

Unknown said...

6 years is an amazing achievement Sharon! Sadly life does get in the way of blogging from time to time! I'm so pleased you have found a job you love & theres no pressure from us all! We will all be waiting for you & look forward to reading your posts when you can squeeze blogging into your manic schedule! <3 Ax


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