
My Weekend with Michelle of MyFashionable40s and a Thrifty Sunday!!

Hi everyone!! I hope you've all been having a great week, the time seems to be flying by and I'm so behind with catching up with my favourite blogs! I hope to remedy this over the next couple of days as I'm not working so should have time to make overdue visits to you all!!

This weekend was an absolute scorcher weatherwise and for me a really fabulous one too as I finally got to meet a wonderful blogger friend- Michelle from MyFashionable40s. We've been in contact with each other for a while and our day on Saturday has been a few months in the waiting and we met at Paddington station and immediately went into the nearest bar for a glass of prosecco and an eagerly awaited chat!! Fast forward nearly two hours later we decided to jump on the tube to Kensington for shopping and firstly lunch at Cafe Rouge. We started off sharing some pain a l'ail, which is rustic bread served with garlic butter and we were very good for our mains as we both had Paysanne salades, which was a chicken salad with bacon, egg, avocado, tomatoes, french beans and parmesan, soo delicious!! I had martini and lemonade and Michelle had prosecco to accompany our meal and after we were delightfully replenished we decided we had to check out the shops along Kensington High Street. Sadly, we both pretty underwhelmed by H&M, Uniqlo, Zara and Topshop- not for the want of looking, we just didn't really see anything that got us swooning. Just as we were about to leave Topshop, I did spy these slides and for £22, I did indulge as they will be very handy for Summer:

We then decamped to the nearest pub for some much needed liquid refreshment and sadly had to make a move so Michelle wouldn't miss her 8:30 train back home. As I had known I was seeing Michelle for a couple of months it gave me a chance to put together a goody bag of thrifted bits and pieces for her that I'd seen over the last few months. I was over the moon when she sent me these pictures of her looking fabulous in this Celia Birtwell for Uniqlo dress I'd found for her:

Plus these gold Gizeh Birkies which she manged to wear whilst out and about this week!

It was testament to what an awesome day we had as we were both as bad as each other in that we never got any obligatory blogger shots of us together, our outfits or our meal, hehe!! It was too much chatting, laughing and enjoying the day which was top priority and Michelle is such a wonderful kind lady who is now a very lovely and good friend indeed and we've already made plans for future visits this year- I so cannot wait to see her again!!

So after having a fabulous Saturday I was up and out early on a gloriously hot Sunday to the local booty, where I did quite well on the thrifting front. I'm into black for Summer and I found this perfect little black wraparound Broderie Anglaise sleeveless shirt by Ralph Lauren for just £2:

I also found a pair of black linen shorts for £1.50 which I'm so pleased with as I currently had only 2 pairs of shorts in my wardrobe- a pair of 7 For All Mankind denim cut offs and my Liberty print floral shorts:

After the boot sale I went into town for a much needed iced fruit smoothie and sit down in Costa Coffee and walking on route to the park I found these gorgeous Monsoon Fusion floaty bird print chiffon shorts for just £5.99 in the local Barnados charity shop:

I then went onto my local park and spent a couple of hours chilling out under a shady tree, watching the cricket and relaxing- a great way to spend a hot sunny afternoon!!

I had such a wonderful weekend and it was made all the more special for meeting up with such a lovely lady-thanks Michelle for a great day and a firm friendship-look forward to seeing you very soon my lovely!!

I hope you all have a good long weekend to come-it's a Bank Holiday here in the UK so fingers crossed we get a weekend weatherwise like last week! 

Thanks as always to you all for stopping by and catching up with reading my posts, it is very much appreciated and I look forward to visiting you all as soon as I can!! xx


Vix said...

A sign of a great blogger meet-up is always the lack of photos, too much fun chatting to worry about taking any! Michelle looks fab in her spotty dress and I love your bird shorts! x

CuratingMi said...

Hey my lovely......yet again I am totally envious of your amazing thrifty finds!! 2 brilliant pairs of shorts....so glad you found the black ones as I knew they were at the top of your list!! The RL is a real corker too!! Inspired by your fabulous thrifty gifts I went in search of some gems of my own!! It took me a while to get into it but I'm glad I persevered as found a great black H&M T.....could have come away with a bag full but I was restrained!! Thank you a superb day!! I've made a truly lovely friend and I look forward to doing it all over again very soon!! xx

Sue said...

Glad you and Michelle had such a lovely day together - she's so easy to get on with isn't she? And how lovely that you put together a bag of goodies for her - the Celia Birtwell dress is gorgeous!

Unknown said...

It's so funny I just realised I am not following you on 'thrift my style', as I always went to the link from the 'live to love denim'! So now I am your newest follower!! I am always in awe of what you find, it takes an amazing eye to search out these items, and you clearly have that! xx

Sharon said...

Hi Vix! It is lovely to meet fellow bloggers isn't it? Have a great week xx

Sharon said...

Hi Michelle!! Thanks as always for your lovely thoughts, I am pleased with the bits I found on Sunday I just want to track down a black dress similar to yours! Have a good week, speak soon xx

Sharon said...

Aah thanks Sue and yes Michelle is a real lovely lady, so kind and we had such a great time too x

Sharon said...

Hi N-A-D- Oh that's brilliant you're now following under thriftmystyle now and such a lovely comment too thanks a lot! xx

Kezzie said...

How lovely to meet her and have a fabulous time! Lovely gifts too!!! X

Sharon said...

Hi Kezzie- thanks, we did have a great time!! xx

Avenue 57 said...

That dress you found is amazing! What a wonderful Saturday it sounds like you had. Michelle is SO nice isn't she?

Sharon said...

Hi Fiona! It was a fabulous day and Michelle is the best!! xx

Unknown said...

Oh Sharon! What a wonderful day you Girls had! You are so kind putting a goodie bag together for Michelle & she does look great in all your finds! I hope we can plan a thrifting day together soon too! I love your sliders & they will be perfect with all of your fabulous finds! Ax


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