
Essential Autumn Basics, Sweaters from H&M

Hi everyone! Firstly I need to hold my hands up to being a very absent blogger, I'm dealing with a lot of personal issues at the moment but I'm trying my hardest to get my mojo back and get back to my favourite hobbies of thrifting and blogging. Of late I do prefer to read blogs rather than publish posts which is how I'm spending a lot of my free time. Thank you to all of you who continue to read my blog and leave comments-it's always so nice to see them and knowing that a lot of you do read my blog and may not comment too means a lot, so a big thanks to you all!

Yesterday was an opportunity to have a quick trip out and indulge in some retail therapy on the high street-in fact just one shop in particular, H&M. I know it's a real favourite for a lot of bloggers lately, not only are their pieces stylish and trend led but the majority of their items are really reasonably priced combined with being good quality for the money.

I was in Regents Street briefly and knew I wanted to go in H&M and have a browse and I was definitely tempted by a few items. I was won over though as soon as I hit the mens section as the sweaters there really were worth a second look. I picked up first this merino wool one in a dark slate grey- in a size small it's perfectly long in the body and sleeves without looking too big and it will go well with skirts and jeans already in my wardrobe. It's an ideal knit too, more fine than thick but it would still look great with a shirt underneath too if I want to layer up. At £19.99 it was a must buy for me:

My second pick was this wool blend berry and navy crew neck sweater for just- wait for it- £9.99!! I was very surprised at the price as it's brilliant value for money and I love how the stripes all match up perfectly around the shoulders and front and back. A nice texture and knit -not too fine and not thick. The sweater also comes in a grey and navy colourway but I went for the berry colourway as I've jeans in this colour I can pair it with this season:

My other find was from the womens section and is a short sleeve fine viscose knit sweater in a light grey colour. For just £7.99 it's ideal for Autumn as an alternative to a grey tee and will be perfect under a blazer or smart jacket too:

I've a lot of bottoms in the way of jeans and although I don't own lots of trousers and skirts I have enough for the wear I get out of them and if I'm after anything else it will be some more blue jeans to add to the growing collection!!

What items are on your style basics wishlist this Autumn? Have you already succumbed to those must have pieces or are you waiting to find the right ones, do let me know!!

Wishing you all a really good week and roll on the anticipated heatwave we're due this weekend- I won't hold my breath though!!


Pennyblossoms said...

Love the merino wool sweater and the grey one. That'll work well with so much and can be pretty and girly or more masculine, depending how it's styled. Great find!

Avenue 57 said...

Sorry to hear you're having a rubbish time right now. Blogging takes time and you're right to take a break when you need to. That said, it's good to have you back!


The Beauty Ethos said...

Great to have you back Sharon. You shouldn't apologise for not posting it's your blog you can do what you like Hun :) loving the grey short sleeved top, great price too xx

Vix said...

Its sometimes so nice just to read blogs and not participate, isn't it?
The jumpers look lovely and cosy and I love the colours of the stripy one.
I don't "need" anything but I'm planning on making a cape this weekend and sew some buttons on a cardi I rescued from the jumble sale rag bag! xxx

diaryofapennypincher said...

Hope your personal issues get sorted OK. Sometimes a blog break is good though, like Vix says.

Thanks for reminding me I need jumpers, I'm just getting my head around casual winterwear now I no longer work in an office. I seem to be buying denim pieces at the mo, charity shops are not great for woollens round here.

Unknown said...

Hi Sharon, so sorry to hear things not great for you right now, and never apologise about blogging, this is just a bit on the side of life, and it sounds like you have important things to attend to right now?

Anyway I am a big fan of h&m, and always find little gems, but I had never thought to check out their menswear range....but will now, love that grey sweater,and a great price too! Take car my darling!Helen xx

CuratingMi said...

Hey Lovely! Guess where I'm headed on Saturday.....yep, straight to the men's dept in H&M!! Why didn't I think of that!! That first grey sweater is gorgeous....love the neck detail, like a sweatshirt!! The stripe sweater is fab too and the grey top is such a perfect wardrobe staple!!

All I can say on the personal stuff is, you keep on being your amazing positive self, blog when you feel like it (we do miss you when you don't!) and you know I am here for you when you need me :0) Lots of love & hugs M xx

Unknown said...

H&M are great for basics! I've never thought about looking in the men's section though so I will be doing that next time. I have just bought some basic coloured tees from H&M as I was in desperate need of some! X

Claire Justine said...

Hi Sharon,hope everything is ok, good to have you back into blogging. I love H&M can not wait to go check out there Autumn/Winter wear out :)

Avril x said...

Hey Sharon, sorry to hear you're having a tough time at the moment. I'm glad you had a bit of time out to shop - always helps to take my mind off things. Thank you for the men's jumper tip - have never looked in the H&M men's section! X

Anne said...

Love the first H&M jumper Sharron....I will be shopping this weekend so I will look out for it! Hope you have a nice weekend:) Take care of yourself.
Anne xx

Style At Every Age said...

Hey lovely some fab pieces you got yourself there and I especially love the the short sleeve knit as I get so hot lol xx

Kezzie said...

Sorry things aren't so great Sharon. I love it when you post, your blog always makes me happy, esp as I often know the shops you buy in!!! Your purchases are super!! I just bought a shirt in H&M for a very sad reason!!! It's a great shop!

I DO like men's jumpers, always a good idea. If you do ever fancy meeting for a cup of tea, let me know. X

Dorothy Camper said...

I do love H&M. Whenever I get the catalogue, I hop foot it down there to grab my favourite picks before they sell out. I always seem to find some gems there. I have some pieces that have stood the test of time too.

Sharon said...

Hi Pennyblossoms- my thoughts exactly! They are great neutrals which will go with so much, thanks! xx

Sharon said...

Hi Fiona-thanks for your kind words and support, it feels good to be back! xx

Sharon said...

Hi Gail- thanks for your lovely support and yes, the short sleeved one will be so versatile to wear, I love the material too xx

Sharon said...

Hi Vix-yes I do love catching up with everyone's blog although I don't always comment-slapped wrists for me! Can't wait to see how your cape comes out, you always manage to whizz up gorgeous items in next to no time! xx

Sharon said...

Hi diaryofapennypincher-thanks for your kind words and yes the charity shops can be very hit and miss on the knitwear front. Like you I'm next on the look out for more denim-again!! xx

Sharon said...

Hi Helen!! Aah thanks for your support my lovely and yay for H&M at the moment, they've got so many great items, if only my budget was bigger! xx

Sharon said...

Hi Michelle!! Thanks for being such a fabulous friend indeed, your support has meant a lot! Hope you see something that catches your eye in H&M they had a navy version of the first sweater I got but the purse strings had to be shut for the moment! xx

Sharon said...

Hi Arthur's mum- yes I sort of stumbled in the men's section but so pleased I did, the basics are great quality for the price! xx

Sharon said...

Hi Clairejustine- thanks for your kind words and yes do check out H&M but watch your budget, lol! xx

Sharon said...

Hi Avril-aah thanks for your lovely comment and support and do check out their men's section, I definitely recommend it especially for the prices! Xx

Sharon said...

Hi Anne! Thanks for your kind words and have a great weekend too! xx

Sharon said...

Hi Sharron- yes my lovely I know what you mean, a short sleeve knit in the wardrobe is a handy piece to have! xx

Sharon said...

Hi Kezzie- aah you're so kind and lovely and we are overdue a meet up soon, let's try and sort something out before too long! Yes I agree about H&M they are my favourite high street shop at the moment! xx

Sharon said...

Hi Lynne! Oh I agree, I've some thrifted and years old H&M items that are still going strong, I'd buy more this season if I had a bigger budget! xx

Alison Cross said...

sorry to hear that you're having a bit of a struggle at the moment. Hope things perk up for you soon! And love your H&M choices!

Sharon said...

Hi Alison-thanks so much for your lovely comment much appreciated xx

WendyB said...

Awww, I hope everything is okay!

Sharon said...

Hi Wendy! Aah so nice of you to stop by and thanks for your kind comment too- I'm getting there slowly but surely!! xx

Gill said...

Sorry you're having a tough time right now, remember all will be well eventually and you will find a happy place again. Great to see you back blogging, always very inspiring. Thanks for putting so much effort into your blog x

Sharon said...

Hi Gill- thanks for stopping by with your kind comment and lovely words, much appreciated xx


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