
Thrift Inspiration.....Doing it 70s Style for Summer 2015!!

Hi everyone! Like a lot of style bloggers I'm really inspired lately by all things 70s and 70 style- soft tobacco hues in suede and leather for jackets, boots and handbags are the perfect accompaniment for cream crotchet peasant tops and flared denims or the perfect denim 70s style skirt.

So accordingly I've been taking my inspiration from the Spring/Summer designer catwalks, pinterest and fellow bloggers to find the perfect thrifted pieces that will be featured a lot in my Spring and Summer wardrobe this year:

Chloe Spring/Summer 2015

This is a find from last Autumn and is a deliciously soft tobacco suede shirt/jacket from a neighbouring towns St Francis Hospice charity shop and was just an amazing £2. The picture doesn't do it justice really-it's as new and a perfect nod to the 70s style theme of the season:

I'm so loving cream crochet and lace for the summer and two more fairly recent finds inspired by the likes of the ladies below at Milan Fashion Week will see my purchases being worn regularly with the perfect 70s style denim pieces:

This crochet lace peasant top feels like cheesecloth but is a very light jersey and I picked it up just before Christmas from my local Salvation Army charity shop for just £3.99:

This original 70s Marks & Spencer crochet waistcoat was a bargain find last week again from the Salvation Army for £3.99 and I'll wear it as a top with just a couple of the top buttons done up:

Well when I saw this Gucci handbag on pinterest I really swooned- who wouldn't want this in their wardrobe not only for this season but as a forever investment piece-totally and utterly divine!!

So on yesterdays thrifting trip I was really pleased to find this original 70s leather bag for just £5 in the Cancer Research charity shop- this will be my go to bag this Summer for sure, I'm loving the chain belt detail, the colour and how it will go with endless items already in my wardrobe:

I love it when my son comes thrift shopping with me as he's definitely got the eye for it and tends to look in places I've missed-which is just as well because he found my star buy for the year so far- an authentic vintage Gucci belt for only £5!!

Not only did I need a black belt, I've wanted a Gucci belt for such a long time but finding a preloved or vintage one in the right size has been like finding a needle in a haystack but my boy came up trumps! Can't wait to wear this with some perfect denim flares and a yet to be purchased 70s style denim skirt!!

So as usual denim is on my radar for this season, I really want to find the perfect style skirt and I'm lucky that I've already got some fabulous Topshop thrifted flares and some French Connection ones that I thrifted in my local Sue Ryder charity shop last Autumn for under a fiver!!

So is 70s style on your shopping list this Summer- what pieces are inspiring you and where are getting inspiration from- I'd love you to share!

Wishing you a lovely week and look forward to receiving your lovely comments too!


Kezzie said...

For me, I'm all about the flares and floral dresses! I love the 70's! I have a post coming soon!x

Kezzie said...

And how nice it is to see you back here, I've missed you! And we must meet soon! Are you still up for an after school meet up?x

Vix said...

Lovely to see you back! I've lost count of the number of people who say I'm gonna be rich this year with my authentic 1970s gear,,,I do hope so! xxx

Please may I? said...

Love al your fashionable 70's pieces. All the best things come from the 70s! Can you guess thats when I was born?! lol

X x

diaryofapennypincher said...

Hurrah! You are back! Congratulations on finding that coveted belt and I can't wait to see your thrifted take on this summer's style xx

Sharon said...

Hi Kezzie!! Of course the floral dresses, I've a few tucked away so I will definitely be airing those this summer! A big yes to meeting up soon too, that will be lovely! xx

Sharon said...

Hi Vix!! Aah lovely to be back thank you! I hope you and Jon do mega well with your vintage selling I reckon you'll have them flocking to you now you're getting so well known and loved! xxx

Sharon said...

Hi Trayci!! Yes 70s are go for sure, loving all things 70s and 70s style this summer! xx

Sharon said...

Hi diaryofapennypincher so lovely to be back thank you so much luv!! Yes I'll style up my pieces in the warmer weather can't wait! xx

CuratingMi said...

So good to see you back in the saddle Sharon....I've missed you!
Well....where to start!! I am totally envious of every single purchase, you have the 70's trends totally covered this season and I can't wait to see it all on you! Adore the suede jacket, the bag is divine too! How amazing to find a Gucci belt in the right size and that cost just a fiver! High five Mrs! xx

Sharon said...

Hi Michelle!! Thanks for your support and lovely comment it's nice to start blogging again and finding good bargains too! As usual you are a lovely inspiration so no doubt I'll be coveting some of your buys too!! xxx

Selina said...

I'm not a fan of the 70s but I do have some pairs of platform boots, have acquired some maxi dresses and can only dream of flares in my 5ft height

Avenue 57 said...

Wow that Gucci belt is PROPER vintage!

Sharon said...

Hi Selina! Maxi dresses are always a favourite and I bet they look great with your platform boots too! Xx

Sharon said...

Hi Fiona! Yea I'm thinking it's a 70s one too! xx

Unknown said...

And scarves are OUT and bandannas are IN! Go figure. Another good reason not to buy into the latest craze...

Sharon said...

Hi Nancy- I love scarves and bandanas so much the better if they're thrifted!! xx

Lustrous.ie said...

Hi Sharon...loving all your fab inspiration here and on instagram:) Have a great week:)
~Anne xx

Sharon said...

Hi Anne! Ah thanks for your lovely comment I'll be checking out your new site for sure! x

Highland Fashionista said...

Wow! Some seriously wonderful finds! I too love that the 70s are back! BRING ON THE FLARES!


Unknown said...

Cute lacey numbers and can't believe some of your bargains too! :)

Alina x
The Fairytale Pretty Picture

Unknown said...

That belt is such a find! I haven't been thrifting for bloody ages & really need to have a good rummage as pennies are tight atm! I love the 70s vibe & look forward to this Summer very much! x

Unknown said...

Hello, Sharon! Hope you enjoy your seventies pieces! Know you'll look spectacular.
In some closet diving I unearthed a chocolate suede jacket I'd forgotten about from ages ago ... too hot to wear now, though. Let us hope it's still hot old-new when fall arrives!

Unknown said...

Gotta love 70s style, It's funny how desired vintage clothes became, I hunt for vintage gems on a daily basis, you can check some of my finds on my blog.
Six Vintage Chicks - six-vintage-chicks.blogspot.com/


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