
Motivatation to declutter and to keep things too!

Hi everyone!!

I've not been spending as much whilst thrifting as I did last year. The things I've bought so far in 2009 combine rare designer finds (such as the Issey Miyake jacket and the Wale Adeyemi graffiti skirt), trend items for summer (denim mini skirt, leather skirt, 80s style pastel floral bodycon top) and things I just saw and immediately fell in love with (green Eiffel Tower purse and Moroccan leather belt).

So, when things are coming in and overfilling the drawers and wardrobe, a declutter is in order.

I've decided not to part with any of my vintage and designer goodies, they have their place in my wardrobe and won't be parted with. Inspired by the gorgeous WendyB, I've realised I need to keep hold of my good quality items, as I have regretted giving quite a few things over the years.

It does pay to invest in designer, good quality items, be it by thrifting, sample sales, sales in general or Ebay. Check out this article in the Guardian of famous ladies who have items still going strong after 10-15 years!

My high street stuff that I've had enough of now is ready for a new home and thats what gets sorted out.

A couple of weeks ago, I gave my sister in law my faux fur lilac Jasper Conran jacket, a black Mango leather blazer and a navy heart print Jaeger blazer.

Well, to say she was pleased is an understatement-I received a phone call of thanks, a text of thanks and a Thank You card of thanks!!

This really motivated me to sort out more of my stuff for her-when its appreciated like that, its a great incentive to give more and declutter at the same time too!

So, I sorted out a nice bag for her which included 3 cardis, 1 jumper, 2 pairs of trousers, a dress and 3 pashmina scarves.

How often do you declutter and do your unwanted items head straight for the bin, charity shop or family and friends?


Emma x said...

Hi! Well done on decluttering. I try to have mini clearouts every few months. Most of it goes to charity, but a few bits go on ebay or to my mum. Its so nice when people appreciate things.


Well done! I do it every year or so; I should probably do it more often!

La C.

WendyB said...

Phew! Glad you're holding onto the good stuff. You know, I can go a year without wearing a particular piece and then the next year I'll wear it constantly. Good stuff works that way! After a while, you accumulate so much good stuff that you have a whole closet full of it and rarely have to declutter.

Anonymous said...

I just did a minor purge this weekend! Didn't get rid of much, mostly just confirmed that I love my wardrobe. I'm a lucky gal.

I agree with Wendy: At a certain point, decluttering doesn't happen too often because you've stopped buying pieces that won't work after a year's time.

AsianCajuns said...

Cath and I try to declutter at least once a season (Cath is better at it than me ;) - it feels so good to have a clean closet and make your friends/relatives/fellow thrifters happy!

shopinchic said...

Thanks for reminding me that I really should go declutter my closet even though I just did
a few months ago!

I can never declutter too much.
I am a little obsessed with stuff
and I have such a hard time parting
with anything.

Marian said...

hey beautiful what an insightful post sweetie. I'm such a hoarder but i try to de-clutter twice a year,i keep the classics,great vintage and pieces that will stand test of time.
muah x

Laura McLaws Helms said...

I constantly am trying to declutter. I go to one consignment store every few months with pieces, and whatever they don't take I put on Ebay or take to another consignment store, then whatever is left is sold at Beacon's Closet (a vintage warehouse type place) and then the few remaining pieces are given to charity. Rather exhausting once you write it all out, but I like wringing every last dollar out of clothes that I spent so much on in the past...

Anonymous said...

Oh Sharon! This article couldn't come at a better time. I've been wanting to declutter for quite some time now, but I keep procrastinating...I usually do it twice a year ( fall/spring) and to be honest I give out more than I should be...I only keep my favorites and if there are things I didn't wear that season then I usually give it away. I don't have a big closet, so I have no choice but to be picky with my choices.



Sharon said...

Hi there-thanks to all of you, its great to hear how you manage your closets!

Anonymous said...

I'm in the process of decluttering,, starting with my jewelry box. Inspired by WendyB i'm selling a few old gold pieces via a gold broker.. already calculated 2 small 24carat trinkets will net me almost £300!

Sharon said...

Hi Ladies who Lunch-wow, that sounds excellent, good luck!

Siljesfashion said...

Great work Sharon! Very inspiring. I am happy you did not give away any treasures. I try every season, and I always give away the stuff that no longer fit me. As for the article, it was very good- I am planning to use it for a work story. Thanks so much for sharing!!

paanie said...

i declutter whenever i feel there are clothes in excess. i'm in the process now. i pick items to sell on ebay and if it doesn't work out i take them to the locale thrift store. it feels good to clear that stuff out!

Gigi said...

When I declutter, I give to the ladies in the office with teenage daughters. I remember what it was like to be 16 and want EVERYTHING! So, I pass it all down to them. I really think it's cool when we have a firm outing and the girls come up to me, in the clothes and have put their own personal style on them. It makes me very happy.

Sharon said...

Hi Silje-thanks for your lovely comment, good luck on your forthcoming article too!

Hi xs-yes, a great way to declutter!

Hi Gigi-I agree, thats very thoughtful and inspirational my dear!

Anny said...

I have family in Dominican Republic so always take two suitcases worth of stuff to give away once I'm there. Other than that I try to garage sale and failing that put stuff in "clothing donation bins." I don't have much classic designer stuff like you though!

Sharon said...

Hi Anny-I bet they can't wait for you to visit, nice methods of decluttering!

Speak out said...

I have been using ebay for a while now and it is a great little extra earner as well as keeping the place free of clutter.

Sharon said...

Hi speak out-thanks for stopping by and I agree, though Ebays fees can be high sometimes!


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