
Thrift Inspiration, doing it Blazer Style!

Blazers are never out of style. I picked up this grey boyfriend style blazer for a mere £1 in a charity shop in East London last year.
Its ideal to wear in spring, with leggings or jeans and being a neutral colour, will go with anything.
There are some gorgeous blazers over at MyWardrobe.com, in a variety of lengths, colours and styles. If they are out of your price range, be inspired like me and go thrift yourself one for summer!
Elizabeth and James, £314

Twenty8Twelve, £239

Paul Smith, £341

McQ, £439

Better still, I'm sure if you raid your closet (or your mums) you'll find a hidden gem lurking-good luck!!


Secretista said...

Looking great! I love blazers too!

Nina (Femme Rationale) said...

good god why are these blazers so expensive? your blazer is just as chic and you only paid $2 for it, give or take. now that's style i can stand behind. ;)

WendyB said...

Love your colors here.

www.janetteria.com said...

Hi Sharon,

I love all of them and Ur blazer is unique! Great find!

xoxo: Janet

Cadmium said...

ah, love those warm color you've combined it with. ever since watching "manhattan" again, blazers are my objects of desire for spring/summer!

Marian said...

hi my love! what a gorge blazer for just a uid! bargain! love it with that bright yummy bag. it totally works, adore all the length of the blazer. You picked out some gems but my fave is the first the Elizabeth and James and the second cropped one. Both are just perfection.
muah x

Susana Rodrigues said...

what a beautiful blazer! I love blazers, especially long ones.

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks for the fab comments and have a great weekend too!

Siljesfashion said...

Good bargain, you look great! And so ready for spring! Wish it was as warm here. Ireally want that Elizabeth and James white blazer, but its so pircey! I hope that the Carolina Herrera one I bought of ebay is almost as nice. Have a great weekend, Sharon!!

Make Do Style said...

Great pick and I was lucky enough to get a great blazer last year in TK Maxx for £20 last year. Just one essay to go agh so have just pooped by to say hello!

Seeker said...

What a lovely and nice blazer, Sharon. You look great, so stylish.

That's a piece I love, blazers.

Have a nice weekend


Shes Dressing Up said...

The great thing about blazers is that there are SO many great ones to find in charity shops! Love your bag too!

Danz said...

Hey Sharon! You look great in this outfit - gorgeous scarf and bag!
I can't get enough of blazers, they're just so stylish and versatile. Love the ones you chose!
Take care and enjoy the rest of your weekend :)

Gracie said...

what a great find! blazers make every outfit look that bit smarter, they're amazing :)

shopinchic said...

I love all of these blazers! Such a chic essential:)

Anonymous said...

You picked up such a treasure darling! I'm also looking for a white boyfriend blazer! I only wish I can find it for only $2...hehe

Anonymous said...

You picked up such a treasure darling! I'm also looking for a white boyfriend blazer! I only wish I can find it for only $2...hehe

Cheryl Lynn Pastor said...

You look great, my dear. I too am a lover of blazers and jackets of all kinds. The ones you have here are luscious to say the least. Hope you are having a great weekend.

Love ya.

Anonymous said...

you look lovely, my dear! I'm lusting over that white elizabeth and james blazer...YUM

yiqin; said...

I have been living in one blazer all week & now I am thinking of investing in one more! I totally adore the paul smith one.

Sharon said...

Hi there-thanks to you all for stopping by with your fabulous comments!!

Anonymous said...

You remind me SO much of a girl I went to high school with...but I see you're from the UK so I guess it can't be. Unless of course you grew up in Los Angeles by chance??

Sharon said...

Hi Citizens of Humanity-no, I was born and brought up in Essex England, I would have loved to be in Los Angeles though!!


I've taken a bunch of blazers, shoulder pads removed, from my mom; they're so beautiful & well constructed! I wish my dad's Lanvin, satin trimmed blazer wasn't so large; or else I would snatch it in a heartbeat!

La C.

Sharon said...

Hi La Couturier-Thats fabulous news, its great to find quality items this way, hope you get a lot of wear from them now!


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