
Thrift inspiration, Doing it Sequins Style!!

Sequins are a hot look again this summer-check out these gorgeous pieces available at Net-A-Porter which will definitely have you glittering and adding some sparkle to your outfits:

Adam sequin tank, £348

Yves Saint Laurent sequin jumpsuit, £2455

I bagged this vintage sequin waistcoat last summer at the boot sale for just £1. Its a great piece that I wear dressed down with jeans during the day.

Will you be in sequins this summer?


WendyB said...

I love sequins!

Jules said...

Love the second dress. Looking forward on your next post.=)

A Writers Den
The Brown Mestizo

Doriana Gray said...

Once again you are amazing with what you have "thrifted". Very cool!

www.janetteria.com said...

Hi Sharon,

I love Ur vest and I'll buy the sequins jacket. for example by topshop and especially vote the grey colour! LOL!


Style At Every Age said...

Loving the 2 grand sequin jumpsuit, why do I always love the most expensive things?
Your boot sale find is fab - I don't know how you do it!

April said...

Sequins are lovely and so to you Sharon.Can't wait to see more, keep in touch.;D


jpkittie said...

definately super cute!!!

Anonymous said...

I adore sequins, but have been saving my sparkly pieces for fall!

Couture Carrie said...

Love your vest and that YSL jumpsuit! I am all about sequins this summer!


Anika said...

okay, love how your're thinking because I have been on the hunt (and a serious one at that) for a sequin jacket/blazer for months! I'm too fussy, I think.

And uber jealous you got yours for so little. I loves it!

Thanks for the comment on the photoshoot too, I felt like a poser tool but twas still fun ;)

Angela said...

yes, def will.

Emma x said...

I adore sequins, i have my navy sequin cardi to wear through the summer, love it!

Make Do Style said...

I love sequins too. they are fab and oh I managed to snag a free bag from Elle too - very handy for my college days!!

Smashingbird said...

ooh i need sequins too!

Seeker said...

What a great piece, dear!!!
I love sequins and you rock that vest.


Anonymous said...

Sequins make me feel like a star!

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks for stopping by with your fab comments and have a great weekend!

paanie said...

great way to dress it down sharon!

Siljesfashion said...

Love sequins! I scored 3 vintage dresses and I have to tops that I use a lot. I really like your vest, and the whole outfit. Great bargain! Have a wonderful weekend!

Reena Rai said...

What a score!! I'm such a magpie, I love anything shiny

Marian said...

the magpie in me cant get enough sequins! designers seem to be getting more crative with their use of sequins. im loving these pieces Sharon and your thirfted waistcoat.
muah x

Sharon said...

Hi ladies-thanks so much for those lovely comments!

Anonymous said...

Love sequins! I'm on the hunt for a vintage sequins blazer myself. That's a fabulous waistcoat!

xo, Becs

Winnie said...

Every single time I hit your blog I am constantly shocked at all the amazing BARGAINOUS things you have found in your charity shops! Loving the sequins!

Susana Rodrigues said...

Hi Sharon :)

How have you been weetheart?

I love sequins (love the second piece of clothing).

I really like the way you mixed the sequin waistcoat with a casual outfit!


Unknown said...

Giiirl that waistcoat rocks! I love sequins for daytime. Most of the Indian-style clothes I have (and I do seem to own quite a few) feature sequins here and there. I'm glad sequins are showing up for morning wear.

Elizabeth Victoria Clark said...

Love that Adam sequins vest. Sequins are a lot of fun, always sparkling xx

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-all your lovely comments are much appreciated, thanks so much!

Jennie said...

I don't know about you Sharon but I'm prepared to do a death dive into a hoard of people at the boot sale if I spot something with sequins ;)
I believe I suffer from MOCD = Magpie Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
In my opinion sequins epitomise glamour but they needn’t be exclusively for the evening as you have successfully demonstrated with your very chic outfit.
As for wearing sequins this summer?
Hell yeah, bring 'em on!

Sharon said...

Hi Calamity Jem-LOL, I know exactly what you mean plus its a shame this weekend was a washout-still, theres always next week!!

Anonymous said...

THAT vest is killer and you've done it perfectly Sharon with the jeans and white shirt. PERFECT. I think it's SO what Isaac Miz told me today on his web show. Go over to me and looksee...I know Isaac would love your outfit, because he is my soulmate in the fashion world!

Sharon said...

Hi Karen-so kind of you my dear, I do love the vest, its just such a timeless item to have!!


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