
Tagged-Its all about me!!

I have been tagged by the gorgeous Ruth over at Life the universe and all that's in it so I thought I would get straight on to it!!

I'm not tagging anyone, but please feel free to join in!!

1. At what time of your life were you happiest and why?

Despite some personal upheavals at the moment, I would say I'm really beginning to find myself again-what I like, what I don't like, being more adventurous and now I've hit the 40s, my self confidence is certainly growing-so now is a good time to be!!

2. Where and when did you meet the love of your life?

LOL, well my soon to be ex husband and I met in the neighbouring town's nightclub-it was a fabulous night of drinking champagne, dancing and smooching!!

3. Favourite item of clothing ever or most treasured possession ?

My black Chanel flap bag and my Ossie Clark dress and my Chanel Jacket!!

4. Must have makeup or beauty item?

Boots cucumber eye gel

5. What do you think is your worst vice or fault .. honestly?

My recent taken up habit of smoking-its not much, but little enough that I should stop altogether!!

6. Would you tell your friend, if you knew her husband/wife was cheating on her/him?

Tough one, I think I would like to make them aware of situations that their partners could potentially be in and hope they could do more detective work themselves to find out the truth. Being the actual bearer of news like that doesn't always necessarily make you the 'good guy'.

7. What ambitions, wishes or desires, for your life, do you still hold close to your heart?

To get my sons through their education successfully-CHRISTOPHER HAD 5 GCSE PASSES TODAY!! So he can start his BTEC Extended Diploma in Photography at College in September without doing any re-sits!! So I'm having an extremely happy day!! I would also like to have more new experiences in my life and try to travel more.

8. Where do you see yourself in five years from now?

Healthy, Happy and In Love!!


Rebecca said...

I'm glad you participated in this. I "see" another dimension of you and feel like I know you better after just a few peeps into your personal life...

Wishing you health, happiness and love NOW and five years from now, too :)

Make Do Style said...

Oh lovely answers. And am so happy for Christopher. His photography diploma sounds a fantastic choice!

That's Not My Age said...

Here's to health, happiness and love. And well done Christopher!

Vix said...

Fab answers! Well done, Christopher, you must be a proud mummy. xxx

CameronPoe2409 said...

I loved your answers and congratulations on your son's exam results, you must be so proud!

Seeker said...

These games are so lovely to know more about our fellow bloggers.

Congrats on your son's results :-) and loved your answers. They gave me the feeling that you're getting up and over of some bad moments (I read a comment you made about that)which made me feel happy for you, my darling.

Love to you

Bonnie said...

I am so happy to get to know you a little better through this Q&A. Health, happiness and love to you.
Oh, and give your son a kiss from all of us...well done!


PS - I just knew you were going to mention your Chanel bag as your fave item!

WendyB said...

NO SMOKING! Don't make me come over there!

lunarossa said...

Congratulations to Christopher and to you of course for supporting him! My boy did well too. A big weight off our shoulders, isn't it? All the best. Ciao. A.

laura said...

Great answers; here's to our forties and travelling more!

Couture said...

It's lovely to get to know you a little better this way. So sad to hear you're in the midst of divorce!

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thank you so much for your kind and lovely comments, they really are so much appreciated xx

SabinePsynopsis said...

That's a great tag and I love your answers. I've just been 'pushing' my daughter through her GCSEs, so I know how it feels!

Bonnie said...

Hi Sharon, it's me again! Just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS on being named one of the Top 10 vintage bloggers. What a fun and awesome achievement. I really do enjoy visiting your blog.


Rebecca said...

I saw you listed in the Top 10 Vintage Bloggers in the UK! I'm really excited to know you and TOTALLY agree with the selection!

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks so much for your support and kind comments xxx

Christina @ Fashion's Most Wanted said...

Dear Sharon, I enjoyed reading your answers. Sorry to hear about your splir. Congratulations to your son, photography is an excellent choice xx

Unknown said...

How fabulous for your son's achievements! Can't wait to see the art he'll be creating -- well done and here's to more and more success in the future!

It's so nice to know more about you this way. I know you will overcome whatever difficulties come your way and have a wonderful life and future!

I'm going to try and do the survey too. I'll post on my blog when I'm done. :o)

Caroline said...

Hi Sharon - just got back from hol and catching up on everybody's blogs - can't believe how much you've all been writing since I've been away! Big congrats to your son on his exam passes - you must be so proud of him. Very well done xx


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