
Mohair and Cake

On our travels recently, husband and I found a gorgeous cake shop that specialises in hand made egg free fresh cream cakes and it was our second visit there this afternoon.

After much deliberation of what to choose, we ate in and had a slice of homemade pizza, tea and a slice of delicious cake. As you can see, there are many to choose from and for only £1.40 each, you could easily have more than one in one sitting, although I didn't!!

I had black forest gateau and husband had pistachio-yummy indeed!! I now need to work my way through all the other flavours available-what a task, huh!!

They also do big cakes, ideal for birthdays and special occasions.

I wore my new vintage French hairy mohair jacket, which I thrifted last weekend-its so oversized and is lined like a jacket but is very lightweight and incredibly warm, like a cardigan. I think it makes a nice change from all the fur which I've been channelling this winter so far.

The jacket was from the All Aboard charity shop-its not something I would normally go for, but I wanted something different for winter. I love the vibrant colours and also how hairy it is too!!

I'm wearing it with my Levi skinny jeans, wool Coast polo neck jumper and black Dune boots, all thrifted from various charity shops.

Oh and my Chanel bag got an outing too, although you can't really see it that well!!

UPDATED TO ADD-The cake shop is Cakes & Bakes-They have branches in East Ham (East London) and Barkingside High Street, Essex (on the Central Line)


Anonymous said...

Oh don't you look cute! and those cakes oh my how would you choose??? ~I am drooling they look so good. Great pictures hope your enjoying your weekend ~Love Heather

elegancemaison said...

Please tell where that cake shop is located! You look terrific in that coat. But then you are so slim. I would look like a hairy mammouth. A Scottish hairy mammouth - haha! ( Mr EM is Scottish and partial to tartan and plaids.)

Rebecca said...

The jacket is great & looks well teamed with your slim jeans, boots, etc.

What a lovely cake shop you visit! (It's probably a GOOD thing I don't have one anywhere NEAR our house!)


Hey Sharon,

I love your jacket! It looks so awesome on you! What a find! The whole look is just stunning, dear!

Have a lovely weekend!


Make Do Style said...

Ah wonderful choice of jacket! Mind you spending a tenner, did you weep as you parted with your cash!!

Ruby Tuesday said...

I adore your jacket.. and the cakes just look divine xx

Ella said...

i love you look, the jacket is devine! mmm cake looks so good, plus we're allow because its almost christmas so there is no such thing as a guilty cake binge! xx

CameronPoe2409 said...

You look fabulous and those cakes look delicious! Sounds like a lovely way to spend the afternoon xx

Jan said...

Sharon you wear your coat with such style it really looks great ,as for the cakes WELL yummy yummy Think the strawberry one would be my choice ..love Jan xx

Pearl Westwood said...

The mohair is absolutely amazing!!! I love anything big and snuggly. Good call on the cake shop, I think it would only be fair to sample every single one ;-)

hippyatheart said...

HI there, love the cake shop! Where is it located? :) The jacket is nice, too :)

Cadmium said...

Love your look here - perfect for eating cake!

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-I have to find out the name of the cake shop for you, but it is located on High Street, Barkingside, which is on the Central Line.

Thanks also for all your lovely comments, as always, much appreciated xx

Christina @ Fashion's Most Wanted said...

Dear Sharon, you look stunning as always. Those cakes look gorgeous! Where's the shop?

I went into John Lewis recently and had the hugest piece of black forest gateau which had about four inches of cream in the middle and proper chocolate on top. It was the best one I'd ever had. Have a good Sunday xx

Danz said...

Ohhh those look delish! You look great in that jacket - fab pattern and colours. It must be so warm and cosy! Hope you're enjoying your weekend :)

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-there is an updated link on this post to the Cakes & Bakes site, they have branches in East Ham and Barkingside.

www.janetteria.com said...

I love mohair things, sooo cozy! U look so great!


Perdita Tinsel said...

Love the mohair coat. Such lovely winter colours and such a thrifty bargain!

Loving those cakes, too...

Mónica said...

I so love your jacket! and those cakes look amazing!

Caroline said...

Just clicked through from my reader to say how much I love your new jacket, and have to also say that I love the new look of the blog - fantastic. x

WendyB said...

As long as you didn't find mohair IN your cake. That's what I feared from the title!

vint junky said...

What a find, i love this checked mohair

Penny Dreadful Vintage said...

Ooh yum, I would be definitely eating several in a sitting! x

Haute World said...

Love this jacket on you... especially the colors! And thanks for the cake shop introduction. That Chocolate Slice is calling my name. I might need to check out the place, as I'm in London at the moment...

Marian said...

You look great in that mohair piece. The colours are great.
The cake looks lust inducing!

Milla Fox Shops said...

Yum...yum, yum, yum, yum, yum! Both you and the cakes. Great look MS and fab choice of dessert.

Sarah said...

Black Forest Gateau is my favourite type of cake - heaven on a plate if it's done right. ooh I'm getting all hungry now I've read your post!

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