
Award-Its All About Me!! And Scrap too!!

I've updated this post as I've received an award from the adorable Anika-thanks so much my dear!!!

And of course-Its an 'All about Me' award!!

Thanks so much to the lovely Gemma of Shopping in Suffolk for this award!!

Here are 7 facts 'All about Me!'

I love to sleep and relax, unfortunately there doesn't seem to be enough hours for me at night, LOL!

If I was rich, I think the majority of my money would be spent on dining out-I love food, but unfortunately I don't have a passion to cook it!!

My hobby is Thrifting-If you didn't know that about me, you do now!! I enjoy the boot sales and charity shops and adore a designer bargain!!

I love listening to music-world music, classical and Ibiza chill sounds are my current favourites

I love London with a passion-I've not been outside Europe (except to Africa) and London remains my most favourite city-each time I go I experience something new or different and I'm privileged to live only 30 minutes away from it!

Speaking of past places, I adored Marrakesh in Morrocco-its definitely a place which I would love to go back to again-a very gorgeous place indeed!!

Future places I would love to go to-Istanbul in Turkey, Florence in Italy and New York.

I give this 'MeMe' award to:

Emma-All in your innerspace

Ellie and Friends

Kate-Make Do Style

Sam-Everybody Says Don't


Vintage A Peel


ellie said...

Thank you so much for the award! I really appreciate it. & I love those 7 facts about you.

Anonymous said...

thanks so much!

Make Do Style said...

Thank you! I love that it is called all about me - that bloggy label was coined by the late Mrs Fashion

WendyB said...

Aw, thanks!

love home|life|style said...

excellent you picked up the award x

I am with you on the majority of your 7 things! apart from I haven't been to Marrakesh, but its on the list to do! x

Unknown said...

Thank you!!! I shall endeavour to do it very soon :)

Anonymous said...

I don't like cooking either. I love to bake....just not cook...weird :(

María Pilar Bernal Maya said...

congratulations due to your award! I´m going to England in one week and I´d like to ask you something. Would it be possible you tell me the adress of some charity shops in London? It´d be very nice of you so I maybe could find some of the beautiful items you normally get.
Kss + thanks

Sharon said...

Hi tupersonalshopperviajero-I've answered you on your blog my dear!!

Marian said...

congrats on the award. thanks for tidbits on you honey. i have istanbul on my to do list too ;)
hope your well

Couture Carrie said...

Fabulous tag, darling! I love dining out, too! And I would adore a trip to Morocco!

Congrats on your award :)


Anika said...

Congrats on the award!
And that's not the only one, I have an award for you as well on my blog :)

Have a lovely weekend bella.

p.s. adore travel too and your travel bytes make me more hungry for it.

ellie said...

cool getting another award!

thanks for the note. Hope you are having a wonderful week.

Sharon said...

Hi ladies-thanks so much for the lovely comments, all so much appreciated!!

Siljesfashion said...

Congrats, you so deserve it! Florence is so amazing, we went there for our honeymoon. Hope you are having a great vacation!

Winnie said...

I'd love to visit Florence too! London is definitely such a great city and you're lucky you live so close...but then again my 1hr 30mins isn't too bad either!

Sharon said...

Hi ladies-thanks so much!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the award! :-)


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