
70s Revisited

This is the 70's vest I got in the week from the charity shop.
It's a Marks and Spencer vest and has all music words over it-totally unusual!!
I've paired it with my 7 for all mankind jeans, which are slightly flared, keeping up the 70's vibe!!

I also found in my wardrobe some silver gladiator style flat sandals, that were in the sale a couple of years ago at Dorothy Perkins for £5!!

Well, the reason as to why they were at the back of the wardrobe, unworn, is that the toeposts are hard and uncomfy :-(

I'm hoping I will have the stamina to break these in, as they are gorgeous sandals!!


thetinylittlegirl said...

good luck in breaking in your shoes! the toe posty ones are always the worst to break in, poor feet.

love your tank top, it's so cool!

Sharon said...

Hi thetinylittlegirl-thanks so much! I will be breaking them in another time-my poor little feet need a rest!

FB @ FabulouslyBroke.com said...

Breaking in shoes = sucks

I heard soaking them in warm water (standing in a tub with them on) then walking around with them helps but I've never tried :P

And it only works if it's leather

Love the outfit!

Sharon said...

Hi fabulously broke-thanks, but they're not leather-maybe thats why they were so cheap! C'est la vie-haha!!

ellie said...

I love finding out the names of all these things. Its like an education I didn't know.

Love the outfit.

Thanks for reading, too.

Sharon said...

Hi ellie-thanks a lot!!

Anonymous said...

Nice vest.

Sharon said...

Hi b-thanks and thanks for stopping by too!


Hi from Paris stylish Sharon

I try to find time to alert stylish blogs and colleagues like yours that the Paris fashion week is over : alléluia ! and that i just posted a best of fashion week shoes that could inspire you.
Please don't collapse ! lol
i hope you'll like

i've been proposed to create a fashion magazine in Paris as i wrote it in my blog (lots of volunteers ! lol). Let's keep in touch and exchange links !

I wish you a wonderful day


Make Do Style said...

Great vest - I enlarged it to look at the words. I love words and it is a great vest the cut and shape is fab plus the placing of words is so well constructed - my how times change M&S couldn't deliver this number now!

Sharon said...

Hi kamel-thanks!!

Hi kate-yes, most unusual and in such excellent condition too-you're quite right, M&S ain't what it used to be-haha!!

Neve said...

hmn, thats a pity! but the style looks so good...

i wish you a good start into the new week!!

Sharon said...

Hi fashionpuppy-thanks and hope you have a good week too!!

L.I.N said...

i hate it when shoes hurts my toes. but then again, nice shoes usually hurts! yours look too lovely to be sitting at the back of your wardrobe!

Sharon said...

Hi eleh-thanks so much, it's between my right toes that really hurts, but I will persevere-I want these for summer-haha!!

Anonymous said...

The shoes look so cool! I really like them!

Sharon said...

Hi nadine-thanks, I must break them in more though-haha!!

Mira said...

Hi Sharon!

How was your weekend? Thats my new MBMJ bag and I'm in love!

WendyB said...

Cute top! I can't stand any thong-type sandals. That between the toes thing is painful.

Jen (MahaloFashion) said...

I have to say I love the sail boat skirt you got a few posts back, oh how I wish I could go thrifting with you!

Shopaholic D said...

they ARE gorge sandals - love them! the whole look is great!

:) D

Human Racing said...

I hate bereaking in shoes. Good luck! I like your jeans too.

Sharon said...

Hi mira-my weekend was relaxing thanks-your bag's a beauty too!!

Hi wendy-thanks! yes, this is the
1st thong type sandal I've had problems with, but I really like them!!

Hi jen-thanks so much!!

Hi shopaholic d-thanks for stopping by and for your kind comment too!!

Hi nay'chelle-thanks so much-yes, ihope they break in soon-haha!!

Anonymous said...

Oh dear ))) Hope everything will be fine. Anyway, you look gorgeous ))

Hugs from Angel.

Sharon said...

Hi angelgrotton-so sweet, thanks!!

Lucy said...

loving the 70s look, and your jeans are fab! I've added you to my blogroll


Love the piece and how it's mixed with denim. :) Lovely look. Thanks for the great comment, SharonRose!! :)

Danz said...

That vest is really nice! I bought a pair of black sandals similar to yours on Saturday and I still have to break mine in as well. They fit quite snugly when I tried them on in the store though so hopefully it won't be so bad!

I hope you had a great weekend Sharon! Take care :)


tagged you :)

Sharon said...

Hi honeymoon-thanks for your comment and for stopping by!!

Hi elle-thanks so much-I will add you too!

Hi fashion chalet-always so kind, thanks a lot!! PS-I'll check out the tag!

Hi danz-we will be hobbling around for a bit then-haha!! have a great week, Danz!!

Siljesfashion said...

Hope you had a great weekend! Breaking in new shoes are the worst, good luck! Love the vest and the jeans as well, relaxed summer look.

Sharon said...

Hi Silje-thanks so much, yes I had a lovely relaxing weekend!

Mariel said...

Great top- I love lucky find like that!

Sharon said...

Hi mariel-thats so kind-thank you!!

Cheryl Lynn Pastor said...

Just a cute, cute, cute outfit on you.

Love it.

Ciao, me Bella!

Sharon said...

Hi cheryl lynn-you're so lovely-thanks!!


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