

Sundays boot sale was really no good-sometimes the bargains are there for the taking but the only thing I picked up-admittedly it was an ultra cheap buy, was this See by Chloe top for 20p!

In the afternoon, we went to St Katherines Docks in the east end of London, where all the rich people park their yachts off the River Thames! Its really lovely here-an ideal place for a picnic, or relaxing drinks or to have some dinner!

We are all going back soon, to make a full day of it, as it is an ideal base to explore the rest of London-the Tower, London Bridge, the South Bank!


Make Do Style said...

Ah cute family pics!!

Sharon said...

Thanks Kate-Christopher is only
14, but you can see he's slightly taller than me already-haha!!

Ida said...

Awwww, the last picture, Sharon - adorable!

It does look like the perfect family Sunday spent in such a beautiful place.

Love the maxi skirt with the denim jacket, very chic.

Have a nice week, dearest.

Sharon said...

Hi Ida-thanks so much, yes it was really lovely!
You have a good week too!!

Ashleigh said...

how how how do your boot sales always have designer items and crazzzy clothes for so cheap??! I think I might need to pay you a visit :P...

AsianCajuns said...

Sorry the boot sale wasn't great, but that See by Chloe top for 20p is a fantastic find.

I love your family pic!

Times of Glory said...

Sharon, it looks so lovely! I love all the pictures! They are very peaceful! Kate-Christopher is only
14? So tall and handsome! What a brilliant day-out!

Sharon said...

Hi ash1314-I do generally rummage and this was the only designer thing i really saw yesterday!!

Hi asiancajuns-thanks so much-I suppose I can't expect finds all the time-haha!!And thanks, we had a lovely time in London!!

Hi times of glory-I wondered why you called him Kate-Christopher, but it's where I replied to Kate of Make do and mend-haha!! It is just Christopher and thanks for your lovely comments too!


Pretty place!! Love your skirt too :) Are those your sons? Aw. :) Lovely day you spent, it seems.
ps: thanks for your wonderful comment!

Luna said...

So lovely!

Pamcasso said...

:) love the picture of you with your kids, looks like a fun day!

Anonymous said...

Oooh it's great to see you with your family :).

Sharon said...

Hi fashion chalet-yes they are, growing too quickly too-haha!! thanks so much!!

Hi luna-thanks a lot!!

Hi pamcasso-yes, a great time was had here, thanks so much!!

Hi nadine-so kind, thanks very much!!


Love love love to see happy faces! And I totally love your outfit. Super!

Sharon said...

Hi acielle-thats soo kind, thanks for that lovely comment!

Fashion-Obsessed! said...

Hey, hope you had a great day out, nice outfit:)

Sharon said...

Hi there fashion-obsessed-thanks so much and hope your camping trip was a blast!!

ellie said...

Just love the skirt. You have some very tall lads! indeed.

Sounds like a really cool place to go.

Thank you so much for reading. I really appreciate it.

yiqin; said...

That is such an awesome skirt! Your chloe top is sucha good find! I love the print!

WendyB said...

Aw! What a nice family photo.

Sharon said...

Hi ellie-yes, they're growing very quickly-haha!! You're very welcome-you are a favourite now-haha!!

Hi yiqin-thanks so much-lovely comment!!

Hi wendy-thats lovely of you-thanks so much!!

Lucy said...

I love St Kat's! - I live just around the corner!!!

Vain and Vapid said...

Great purchase on the Chloe tee...

You and your boys are so cute together!

Anonymous said...

great shirt!

Human Racing said...

Adorable sandals. Cute pictures too!

Danz said...

I know how you feel Sharon. I've been in a sale slump for a few weeks now, but I hope I'll find something next weekend. You still found a great shirt for a bargain so it wasn't all bad!

These are really lovely photos! You look great and you have a beautiful family! I visited England in 2004 and I went on a tour of London which was amazing!

I'm glad you enjoyed your day, dear friend and I hope you have a great one tomorrow too! :)

Reena Rai said...

Awwww seems like a lovely day! I love St Katherines dock, I miss London =( Love the denim jacket

Sharon said...

Hi elle-Lucky girl to have London right on your doorstep! Mind you, we are only 15 minutes drive away, so not bad at all! I really love that area of London!

Hi vain and vapid-thanks so much!!

Hi emma-thanks!!

Hi nay'chelle-so kind, thanks!!

Hi danz-always so lovely with your comments, thanks so much!! Hope you find bargains very soon too and have a great week!

Hi fashion dreamer-thanks so much-and I agree, I can't imagine living right away from London-I'd miss it too much too!!

Fashion Addict said...

Those yachts in the pics look great...

Hope you guys have a fun time with everything!

Sharon said...

Hi fashion addict-It was great there, thanks a lot!!

Style On Track said...

What a gorgeous day, shopping, family and a wonderful location, it sounds perfect to me :)

Sharon said...

Hi on track-thanks so much-it was lovely!!

Neve said...

oouhh i love london... i really want to visit britain some day... nice shirt! like the style!

Pamela Tan said...

ilove seeing you with your kids.. :) ow, the little one is so cute! :):)

and i also love being close with the yachts and all.. its so ideal! :) *sigh*

Sharon said...

Hi fashion puppy-thanks so much! Hope you get to visit one day!!

Hi pammish-thanks very much-we did have a lovely time!!

Marte said...

London <3

Cate said...

wooow, you do get some amazing bargains! see by chloé for 20p! well, don't think i'm a materialistic cow, that i only like your shirt because of the label, because i would love it as much as i do even if it was by some label i never heard of ^^ hope you know what i mean, my sentences get a little confusing sometimes ^^ but the shirt is just so - groovy!
and your "tour of london" with your family sounds really fun! that's cool!

Sharon said...

Hi marte-yes, London rocks!!

Hi Cate-I do know what you mean-I like the groovy rock thing going on with it too and thanks for your lovely comments!

ellie said...

Thanks for reading..at least that part of the night is over..but its not quite over yet.

You really know how to color coordinate these pictures with the boys too. Cool.

Sharon said...

Hi ellie-the colour co-ordination was coincidental not intentional-haha!! look forward to the next installment!

Jen (MahaloFashion) said...

I love your denim jacket, I really need one just like it!

Sharon said...

Hi jen-thanks so much, its my fave jacket of the moment!!

Siljesfashion said...

Very cute family pictures and you look great in that jacket!

Sharon said...

Hi silje-so kind as usual, thanks a lot!!


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