
Dress + Jacket = Dilemma!!

Hi everyone!!

In my wardrobe I have quite a few dresses. I've a great selection, including vintage 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s dresses, 90s dresses, summer dresses and modern dresses.

Its obvious that I have a love of dresses, both vintage and modern, but they are my 'repeat buy'-Old habits die hard-'thanks Kate!' and thats why I do have a cull of them every now and then.

Having a 'dress up' session recently, something I very rarely do-I generally just put an outfit on and hope for the best, LOL!- I swiftly discovered that the majority of my dresses DO NOT go with virtually any of my smart jackets.

Now, if I'm aiming for a casual look, then a denim jacket, leather cropped jacket, woollen shrug or a cardigan is an ideal partner for a dress.

However, going for a more smarter, formal look left me flummoxed.

So, feeling rather dejected and thinking I must be going wrong in the style stakes, I decided to google 'What jacket goes with a dress?'

I was very pleased to see that 7,210,000 people prior to me had enquired the very same thing, so this made me feel a lot better.

The best answer I could see was via this link on the purse forum, general opinion being that long line jackets and summer coats or trenches are a great pairing for a dress for a smart or formal look.

Another fabulous alternative is a dressy shrug and Thanks to the lovely Kate, I now have an adorable sequinned one which will go with a lot of my dresses now, including the gorgeous silk and beaded dress she so kindly gave to me as well!

I don't currently own a summer coat or trench, but I do have a long line jacket and I will also try wearing pashminas sometimes too.

Have any of you had this dilemma?


Anonymous said...

Oh, that dressy shrug is just exquisite- would love to see how and what you wear it with. Great vintage feel to it-wandering where she got it??

www.janetteria.com said...

Hi Sharon,

Great find Honey!
and I have a dilemma too: cut out (peep toe) boots... How useful?


Fashion_Loving_Stylist said...

I love that shrug - its gorgeous. Have you recovered from your flu?

Style At Every Age said...

Loving that! would look great over jeans and a vest aswell as your dresses x

Sharon said...

Hi anonymous-thanks for stopping by, it has no label, so I don't know!!

Hi lenya-Am feeling better now thanks my dear!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! And with it being black it will go with so many items in your wardrobe for a fancier night out.

yiqin; said...

A sequin shrug!?!? How fab! It looks really nice.

love home|life|style said...

that is a beautiful shrug, lucky girl! I always have the same problem, and I often opt for the sequinned shrug, perfect, although not much warmth, or pashmina is another good option.

WendyB said...

Love that Kate found that for you!

Dana (MODAna) said...

hotness! love the sheer effect

Annie Spandex said...

That thing is gorgeous!

Gerri Ward said...

OMG! This shrug is not only exquisitely beautiful it's enchanting! p.s. I share your dilemma too!

C.Elizabeth and Natalia said...

Lovely shrug! It's so feminine!

I,ve had jacket dilema in the past as well... but my mom is quite the jacket/blazer master so I always turn to her for help!


Siljesfashion said...

Great shrug! Hope you are feeling better?

ellie said...

I love the shrug! Here in the mid-west...I seldom need a summer coat in the summer..possibly by September. Its great to have a light-weight scarf when you might need it to warm up during a movie. My problem is..forgetting it.

I did notice lots of last years fall jackets can be found on clearence right now.

Make Do Style said...

Oh lovely post - just had 5 mins to have a peek and am off to bed. Think I've got oink flu too! definitely under the weather but have to press on with filming!

444 said...

Sharon, you are all better, right? I was getting a little worried when you were supposedly better and then felt worse.

I'm sorry I can't comment on the jacket since my fashion tastes are probably unsophisticated; today I've been obsessed with finding a shirt in purple gingham. I hope this doesn't inspire ridicule from those of you higher up in the fashion world than myself. I hope no one will accuse me of dressing like a four-year old. :o/ :oD ;o) No one can really laugh about gingham, right? It has its place in the world! In small doses, at least. :oD Right now I'm wearing it in black and white but that wasn't really what I wanted; yellow isn't my first choice, either, but just about any other color is on my mind, preferably purple.

Sharon said...

Thanks for all your lovely comments and I am feeling a lot better now!!

444, I too love a gingham shirt, I have one already that me and eldest son share, so I may have to invest in my own, LOL!

Anonymous said...

SO glad you feeling better. I think you need a trench coat (especially with the weather the way it is) or as you say a summer coat - or maybe a long length blazer (with big shoulders perhaps!?) xxxxx lots of love and you always look lovely!

Sharon said...

Hi Sam-such a lovely comment, much appreciated my dear!!


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