
Thrift Inspiration, doing it Balenciaga Style!

Last year, I stumbled across a company called Lush. They are an American company and they sell gorgeous leather bags similiar to top designers. I had the the red biker version bought for me as a birthday present last year via Ebay and really love the style and weight and colour of it.

Browsing Ebay last week, I came across a young lady selling her black biker version from Lush (available at the moment), for a buy it now price of £40!! I quickly snapped it up and it came today!! Play spot the difference of the Lush bags and the Balenciaga bags:

Click on my pictures to find out whos who!!

Black Balenciaga Giant City $1695
Black Lush Medium Biker $129.99
Red Lush Medium Biker $99.99
Red Balenciaga first $1195
Lush's bags are replicas and they have a disclaimer to state the following:
Although our products are comparable in style and quality to the original name brands, we DO NOT represent them to be original, nor do we represent that they are exact copies. Therefore, they do not violate any copyright laws.

I'm really chuffed with both my bags and if you like what you see, click on my title to browse or shop-I'm sure you'll be swooning over one or two, haha!!


WendyB said...

That's some amusing legalese.

Reena Rai said...

Oh wow, I can hardly tell the difference! I've known of the company for a while but for some reason I've never taken the plunge and bought one

JINX said...

this bags are so nice

Anonymous said...

How fun to get that look for less. Great find, lady!

Seeker said...

What a great deal you've made darling. Those bags are great.
All the best

Angela said...

wow, what a find....

Skye said...

Hmmm, I don't know how I feel about replica/heavily influenced bag designs. I kind of feel like I'd rather take that money and buy something completely unique (and reward someone for their own design creativity) or vintage instead. The Balenciagas are such nice bags, and so ridiculously expensive, so I can see why you'd be tempted!

Anonymous said...

I had a black Balenciaga motorcycle bag which I bought about 5 years ago and sold over a year ago... I might check out the Lush versions.. they're the best copies I've seen..

MakeupByRenRen said...

what a great early xmas present for u!

Vera said...

they look nice enough, but I'd rather do the 2.55

Fashion_Loving_Stylist said...

Wow, what a great find. I really loved the Balenciaga's when they came out. They are soo urban funky. Enjoy using them.

dirtyflaws said...

in love with giant city xo

AsianCajuns said...

Thanks for the link! I've never hear of Lush before, but I love all of their bags on the site. How is the quality? I wouldn't expect designer quality, but it's hard to tell how nice the material is just by looking at the photos online.

Sharon said...

Hi wendy-LOL, yes I think so too!

Hi Fashion dreamer-I'm very impressed with the company, especially to have two bags!!

Hi pangea-thanks for stopping by with your lovely comment!

Hi sal-thanks very much my dear!!

Hi the seeker-yes, I'm very pleased with them, thanks a lot!!

Hi savvy-thanks so much!

Hi Skye-thanks for your comment and I totally see your point re the replica business. What I like about the Lush bag is its such good quality and this particular style for me is just soo classic and timeless! I'll still be looking out for my vintage bargains though!!

Hi ladies who Lunch-I'd definitely recommend them, the quality is just fantastic for the price.

Hi ren-yes, thanks my dear!!

Hi deep in vogue-yes, I would if I had the money too, haha!!

Hi Lenya-thanks so much, I adore the black one, I can't wait to use it!!

Hi nikkimoose-yes, totally gorgeous!

Hi AsianCajuns-Well, I have 2 lush bags now and the quality leather for the price is fantastic, I adore my black one and can't wait to use it!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sharon Rose!
Very good replicas I must say...Hope you enjoy your buy:)

Sharon said...

Hi LaMimi-thanks so very much my dear!

Siljesfashion said...

You found your own christmas present!!

Sharon said...

Hi Silje-even better, hubby is paying for it for me for Christmas, yaay!!

María Pilar Bernal Maya said...

Your Balenciaga replicas are great. Enjoy them cute girl

Marian said...

hi beautiful hope you enjoy your bags darling! ;o)
muah xx

Strawberry Fields said...

the only difference is is that some are more shiny than the others which doesnt do very much! i am very proud of that hat, i wear it all the time these days!

Sharon said...

Hi tupersonalshopperviajer-thanks so much my dear!

Hi marian-always lovely, thanks!!

Hi strawberry fields-thanks a lot my dear!

Strawberry Fields said...

well i love them all of course! what accessory/item are you buying a lot of at the moment?

Jen said...

Wow, those are perfect replicas, i couldn't tell the difference!!

www.janetteria.com said...

Hi Sharon Rose!

Great find! Good idea!

xoxo: Janet

jess said...

I couldn't tell the difference between them.

Lil Midget said...

Loving the red ones!


{Tara} said...

I bought a camel and a green Lush version of the Balenciaga a couple years ago and used it until it practically feel apart! They are very good replicas with soft leather!

Sharon said...

Hi strawberry fields-well, I think I'm into winter stuff, like tights, hats and scarfs!

Hi the paper doll-yes, the lush bags i think are fabulous for the price too!

Hi janettaylor-thanks a lot my dear!

Hi jess-yes, it is hard to tell!

Hi Lil Midget-yes, me too!

Hi Tara-I'm very pleased with them too, but mine are not for regular use, so hopefully will last quite a while!

Anonymous said...

Great Christmas spotting ))) Nice and stylish city bags )))

Sharon said...

Hi angel-thanks so much my dear!

Marte said...

oh..the black one = love :)

Sharon said...

Hi marte-thanks so much!


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