
Flu again :-(

Hi everyone

I was hoping to do a super duper post on my blog meeting yesterday, but the flu has come back and all I am going to do is go back to bed now :-(

I'll definitely do my post soon once I'm feeling better.

Have a good week to you all!


www.janetteria.com said...

Oh no. It's terrible darling Sharon...

Hope U're feeling better soon...


Anonymous said...

Get well soon!!!! Poor poor you! Sending you a big hug! :-)

the healthy ghost said...

Sorry, darling. Take care.

ellie said...

I hope you are all right. I hope you feel better soon. Sending positive thoughts your way.

Make Do Style said...

Take care xxx

zsooofi said...

get well and don't let the flu take over u for a long time:)

Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better soon!

You looked like you were having so much fun with WendyB this week :)

WendyB said...

If we all get sick, we're coming after you, Sharon! ;-)

Feel better soon!

Unknown said...

Ohh you poor thing. Although I'm wondering if it's actually WendyB deprivation perhaps? ;)

Get well soon xx

Jane said...

Look after yourself. Health comes first. Always!

love home|life|style said...

Oh no, you have the coming and going type flu, worse type! get well soon! x

Fashion and more said...

Hope you get well soon.

Winnie said...

Hope you're ok! I've been ill all week too and only just getting better now! Rest up!x

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks so much for your kind well wishes, slowly feeling better and hope you all have a great week ahead too!

lunarossa said...

Lovely get-together, Sharon. Glad you had a great time. Hope it wasn't that nasty swine flu and you are feeling better now. Wish you all the best. Ciao. A.

Marian said...

oh no darling!really hope your feeling better now. i pick up the flu a dozen times a year. I think we need to boost our immunity my sweet.
big kiss

Reena Rai said...

Read the post, sounds like a fabulous time was had by all. I hope you feel better soon, I've been fluey for forever and it's horrible :(

kadler said...

So sorry! Hope you're feeling better!

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks so much for your kind comments, so lovely of you all!


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