
Flu-break for a while!!

Hi everyone

A very short note to say sorry I haven't stopped by, have had flu since Sunday but am hoping to be back to normal service around the weekend.

Wishing you all a great week and take care!


Make Do Style said...

Keep resting!! xxx

Anonymous said...

Poor you!! Get well soon! :-)

ellie said...

I so hope you are all right. Take care. Wishing for a quick recovery for you.

Anonymous said...

I was wondering why we hadn't seen you. Hope you're feeling better soon! (hugs)

TheOnlineStylist said...

You poor thing... there are so many bugs going around at the mo... hope you're soon feeling better x

love home|life|style said...

Oh no!, Flu in the summer, not nice at all! Hope you are better soon...

www.janetteria.com said...

Hope U're feeling better soon Sharon...


budget chic said...

Hey Sharon, sorry to hear you are under the weather. Rest and take care of yourself, we will be here when you get back!

Fashion and more said...

Take care, drink lots of water.

Emma x said...

Ohh you poor thing. Look after yourself x

Style At Every Age said...

Get well soon, hon x

Mónica said...

I hope you get better soon!

Gerri Ward said...

OMG! Hurry and get better, I miss your posts! p.s. Eat plenty of chicken soup with red pepper and garlic, drink lots of water and sleep, sleep, sleep oh and watch a few comedies for laughter!!!

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-virtually better now and many thanks for all your kind wishes too!!

Unknown said...

Take your time friend. Keep resting, ;D

Unknown said...

Get well sooooon! Having the 'flu is not fun ... I've been there. Try and drink lots of liquids like water and juices with vitamin C. Hope you feel better quickly! :o)


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