
Thrift Inspiration, Chanel Style.........Doggy permitting!!

My faux fur passion continued at the boot sale as I acquired the 2 gilets I've already shown and as I've been hankering after a faux fur hat since last winter, I was pleased to bag my next bargain below. Inspired by Chanels grey faux fur accessories, I wanted something in grey, but not a bag or boots, although if I was gifted Chanels pieces below, naturally I would not say no, LOL!!

This grey faux fur hat was only £1 and just what I wanted for the coming winter:

Mind you, I am slightly worried about wearing it without being attacked-I heard Candy my dog barking furiously in the hallway and assumed she was barking at the front door for noises outside. I went to look at her and was most surprised to find her staring directly at my hat, drying on the clothes airer-she obviously thinks its a cat or rabbit and when I took it off and showed her, she tried to go for it!! Goodness knows what she will do when she sees it on my head, LOL!!


Penny Dreadful Vintage said...

Love it! Very 60s vibe.

ps Only just realised I wasn't following you as Penny Dreaful, I've been following as the Real Me! Immediately rectified.

Make Do Style said...

Love the hat and how funny re the dog xx

www.janetteria.com said...

So cool!

Vix said...

Love it, such a lovely colour, very Chanel! Our cats hate me in fluffy hats, their tails fluff up like racoons and they spit, silly creatures, don't they understand fashion? xxx

Angela said...

LOL.... about your dog. : )

teawithonesugarplease said...

Well let's hope you can't jump that high for your head! PS I have a big beauty giveaway on my blog

Rebecca said...

The more I see, the more I want! I shall soon embark on a fur-finding mission. AFTER I take care of SERIOUS business.

Belle de Ville said...

Oh yes, take care when you wear that hat...you don't want any dogs to think that you were wearing a squirrel on your head!
Actually, I'm in the market for a vintage fur hat myself. Your hat will be great for winter.

CameronPoe2409 said...

The hat reminds of Julie Christie in Dr Zhivago (I hope I've got the right actress) very chic! Have a fab weekend!

Maddy said...

Great post!
Visit me: http://madisonsassortment.blogspot.com/

http://rawtasmania.blogspot.com said...

Look forward to seeing you wear it :)

WendyB said...

Ha ha! Can't blame the pooch. I want to put a leash on that hat and walk it down the street myself! :-)

Heather said...

very cute!! can't wait to see it on ;D ~Heather

Pearl Westwood said...

What a gorgeous hat, its hard to find fluffy ones. I got two vintage ones last year but they are shorter fur. Cant wait to see you wear this!

StyleNonsense said...

I Saw That You Like My Interview On Pearls Of Wisdom, Thanks Much.

Winnie said...

Haha, love that story about your dog, how adorable!

Also yes all that fur is everywhere!

Style At Every Age said...

Great Hat! How funny about the Dog!

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks so much for the fabulous comments, much appreciated!!

Christina @ Fashion's Most Wanted said...

Dear Sharon, what a lovely hat. You'll have to introduce it carefully to Candy by the sounds of it. She might be alright now you've washed it xx

devilishlypleasurable said...

haha! she might think you're protecting the rabbit and the cat and would either be good to the 'fur' or be jealous

Unknown said...

That is TOO funny!

Love the hat! :o)


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