
Yaay, Summer Holidays!!

Hi everyone!! I'm so excited, as the boys have finished school and we are all out for a whole six weeks-Result, LOL!!!

I love Summer and the holidays, just so I can do what I want, when I want to and most importantly, take each day as it comes, for trips and chilling out time too!
Here are some of my favourite outfits and memories of this time last year-I love to be able to put on a summer dress and enjoy the day ahead!!

See By Chloe floral dress, £2.75, Charity Shop

New Look white summer dress, £2, Boot Sale and red Chanel bag, Always Authentic

Ossie Clark for Radley floral tiered dress

Gianni Versace dress, Mrs Stings Designer Sale, £10

To all my lovely followers and those on my blogroll, those who lurk, those who leave comments and those who don't-A big Thank You for visiting and taking time out to read my blog.

Its very much appreciated and I do wish you all-wherever you are and whatever you will be doing-a fabulous summer.

Just to let you know, I may be around less regularly than usual. I'l be doing posts on a 'when I feel like it' basis, but please do still check me out though, I love each and every one of your visits and comments!!


WendyB said...

You can't take time off! How will I survive without you? ;-)

Okay, have fun. If you insist.

Gerri Ward said...

OMG! Such pretty dresses - solely perfect for Summer! I'll miss your posts and I'm just getting to know you in this fashionably fab blogosphere! Enjoy your Summer!!!

Anonymous said...

Love the dresses! You look great! Have a fab summer time and hope you post some outfit photos sometime this summer too! I'm sure you will! xxx :-)

Style At Every Age said...

Have a great summer holiday, I love having the kids at home too! Hope you get to wear all those lovely dresses again this year, you look great x

ellie said...

I hope you have some fun with your family. I love your style. You are inspiring in so many ways.

Fashion and more said...

I'm so jealous that it's summer over there, I'm freezing here in Sydney, although it hasn't been too cold yet.

Love the Gianni Versace dress.

FriendzCentury said...

Oh so pretty dresses!!

I'm still trying to get over the bargains you've found. Love your style!!

www.janetteria.com said...

Soooo pretty dresses.


Anika said...

Thank you so much for yourlovely comment :)

I hope you have a fantastic holiday and I'll def check in to see how the hols are treating you.

p.s. how gorgeous are all your floral dresses! you are the queen at thrifting, m'lady :)

Make Do Style said...

I'm with Wendy - ok then if you insist! I agree have a fab time with the boys and just being xx

budget chic said...

Great finds Sharon, I don't know how you do it. I know if I went to a charity shop here in the states I could never find those kind of labels unless I was in NYC or LA and then it wouldn't be that cheap either

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks so much for your kind and lovely comments, I will still stop by to check you all out even though I'll be having fun too!!

Couture Carrie said...

Love all your summer dresses, S!


christina said...

That See by Chloe dress is adorable!

Jules said...

Your dress is so fabulous. And you look pretty on it. Have a wonderful day. =D

La Mimi said...

Aww...Sharon! I'm so happy for you:) 6 weeks off...Now, that's vacation! Take your time love, you need it...Enjoy and savior every moment with your friends and family while you can:)
We'll be here waiting for you new vintage treasures!



Princess Liberty said...

All of the dresses are very beautiful and pretty

Anonymous said...

Enjoy each precious moment with your boys...

Clara Campelo said...

I loved the first outfit


Designer Store said...

Nice post... looking very beautiful...

thanks for sharing..

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-so kind of you all, thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

Sharon, you look so lovely in all of these dresses. Summertime is my fav as well to just throw on sundresses and enjoy the days outside. I hope you have a great time with your boys!

xo, Becs

Angela said...

S, you look so summery and stylish.

Sharon said...

Hi ladies-thanks so much!!


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