For an absolute age, I've been after a decent gown, instead of throwing on hubbys cast off jumpers of an evening to keep me warm, LOL!!
I found a little mini length kimono in the charity shop a few weeks back, but didn't buy it, even though it was only £1.50-goodness knows what I was thinking!! I went back for it a couple of days later, but of course it was gone-rule number one of thrifting which I broke to my cost-'If in doubt, DO buy it' Its rare a gem will be there when you go back for it.
So at the boot sale a couple of Sundays ago, I was pleased to see, laying in a heap, this gorgeous authentic Japanese silk kimono for only £1!!!

Its a great length for lounging about in and is reversible too!!

This was definitely my boot sale bargain of the month, as I doubt I'll be going back to one for this year-the season tends to wind down and in my area, they'll be finished around October.
So another item off the wishlist-and a unique buy at that!!