
Armani blazer find

I bought this blazer by Armani in the spring and still hadn't worn it, so this is its debut. It was £4.99 from the Sue Ryder Charity shop:

You can tell I was having a lazy day, as all I was in the mood to do was sling on my Uniqlo leggings and this oversized tee, which is Gap 1969 and was from the St Francis Hospice for £1.50

I'm wearing the Marks & Spencer boots that I got last month, they are really comfy considering I don't do heels!!


Make Do Style said...

Easy pulled together look! I'm so over heels I killed my feet in the russell and bromley one last thursday - never again!

www.janetteria.com said...

Wow! u look so great, Sharon! :-)


Style At Every Age said...

A very cool like my dear!

Hannah said...

Love this - the outfit looks fabo. I have been scouring thrift stores for something just like that jacket.

Fashion_Loving_Stylist said...

Casual chic! You make it look so effortless

ellie said...

Such a classic. Great look!

Belle de Ville said...

Love the jacket, what a great vintage find. I think that I would wear it with a black sheath dress and a fabulous brooch on the lapel.

Haute World said...

Love this outfit! The jacket is fab... another great find! And I can relate to dressing for lazy days :)

yiqin; said...

The blazer suits you so well :)

Winnie said...

Oh I loooove the blazer!

love home|life|style said...

lushious blazer, you look fab! I am so going thrifting to find some nice new blazers for autumn...

loft in SoHo said...

so casual chic!
great outfit dear,


Angela said...

your blazer is a classic.

Wildernesschic said...

Love it Armani is so well cut , I love vintage too especially real the stuff you find in the charity shops, You have tremendous style the way you put it all together too x

oneof365 said...

Blazers are so right-on, right NOW! Either you have perfect measurements or luck is on your side, because all of your finds fit you beautifully. You could even push the blazer sleeves up with a groovy button up shirt, wear with awesome jeans and funk it out kinda Gossip Girl NYC Hampton's style. It's a LOVELY color and it looks flawless. And what matters is how comfy you are. Gap 1969 is really cool now. They opened a boutique on trendy Robertson Blvd. in Los Angeles for only a few months to celebrate their 30 years and there stuff is a fortune. Halle Berry shops there! Great find. xoxoxoxo---One of 365

Gerri Ward said...

This blazer is a classic and leave it to YOU to discover it!!!:)
p.s. YOUR posts are solely inspiring, I luv,luv, luv them!!!

Sharon said...

Hi there-such lovely comments, thanks so much to you all!!

Caroline said...

Oooh, lovely blazer - very now, too!

La Mimi said...

This is such a great find, especially for this fall, where blazers are a MUST:) Love it Sharon:)


WendyB said...

Great outfit! That Armani jacket could have looked mumsy but I love it in this combination.

Unknown said...

Ooh, jackets! I love jackets, passionately. That is a rather fabulous one my dear, well done!!

Etrapar said...

hmmm...Armani, really nice and not so expencive ^.^

Rebecca said...

I like that blazer on you - Great fit - simple/elegant/casual all at the same time! I'm sure you'll be showing us additional color combinations & will find all kinds of ways to use this great jacket to bring variety to your wardrobe.

Thanks for weighing in on my jeans - cuffed or not! I need all the help I can get :)

Sally said...

great find! i'm looking for a new blazer, preferably with sequins x

Olga Babenko said...

lovely casual look))


Marian said...

Love the casual chic of this! the blazer is great

Seeker said...

Love your blazer, dear, you look so chic and elegante.


Anonymous said...

Fabulous blazer! And I love how you paired it with the leggings. You look so casual chic!

xo, Becs

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Thank goodness for leggings!

Sharon said...

Hi ladies-thanks for all of these wonderful comments!!

Siljesfashion said...

Great laidback look! Hope you are well, I had an amzing time at Fashion Week!

Sharon said...

Hi Silje-thanks so much my dear, have a great week!


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