
New Winter Coat!!

Its that time of year when winter coat shopping is on the agenda. Last week I ordered a black parka for £74.99 from River Island and although it fitted like a glove I wasn't convinced it was the one for me. Like the lovely 'Looking Fab in your Forties' who posted of her winter coat dilemma last week I also required something with a hood, knee length and warm enough for the school run and walks to work.

I was pleased to grab this Per Una brown parka, which is as new and as warm as toast as it has a feather and down lining, unlike the River Island one.

This was £20 buy it now with £7 postage, so a saving of nearly £50 for me!! Not just that, but no more searching-this sort of shopping is like food shopping for me, necessary but dull, LOL!!

What clothes shopping do you find is a necessity, but dull??


Anonymous said...

Again you are a savvy shopper!

Make Do Style said...

Knickers - they always fall into the necessary but dull. So dull I failed in my mission yesterday to buy some as got easily distracted.

Also trench coat - I want one but am so picky I've never found the one for me so it has become a chore!

Gerri Ward said...

OMG! This is FABULOUS! How do YOU DO IT !!! Really I'm solely JEALOUS!!!:)
P.S. I can't wait to see what AMAZINGLY FAB FIND you discover this weekend!

ZEPETIT said...

This couat it´s not done for me!


Loni said...

Oh I love this coat!
you're invited to my blog

have a nice weekend

Caroline said...

Hi Sharon Rose - thanks for stopping by my blog, and your comment on my new bag.

I have to say I like almost all clothes shopping, but the one thing I don't like is shopping for an outfit for a specific event, because I can always guarantee that I won't be able to find ANYTHING I like!

yiqin; said...

I dont like shoppnig for lingerie. Hahhah my mum had to FORCE me to wear bras =x

Mom Fashion World said...

you're truly a smart-shopper!
that winter coat is absolutely perfect for winter.


www.janetteria.com said...

so cozy & chic!


Couture Carrie said...

Nice buy! I need a cosy parka for winter!


Mónica said...

it's great for the cold weather! I am going to live in Epsom (near London) next year... and I am already scared of your weather!! any recommendation??

Emma x said...

Fab coat, i really hate shopping for jeans, i can never find the perfect ones x

WendyB said...

I was going to say, no WAY you're spending that much money (as for the first one). Not with your thrifting gene!

Anonymous said...

V useful coat, it would be good for my dog walking! I find day shoes a pain to buy, as they've got to be hardy enough to do lots of walking and comfy and look OK! X Hope your having a good weekend!

ellie said...

That looks so great for winter. Wish I had one.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I hate shopping for basic bras. So necessary but so boring!

Anika said...

Sports clothing. I know I should take delight in buying workout wear but just never do. However, I've resolved to invest in my workout wear because it's probably the smartest investment I can make!

That parka looks warm. Noice :)

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-such fabulous comments, thanks so much to you all!!

Rebecca said...

I have done very little catalog or on-line clothes shopping. Looks like you found an excellent winter coat!

I'm new to this "scene" - I've recently added another blog to my repertoire to chart and record what I'm learning about fashion.

Your experience and expertise are awesome! I'm very much a thrift-store shopper....both by choice and necessity, if that makes any sense.

one of 365 said...

Feather down lining for a grand total of 27 squid! Lady, you really are a bargain hunter. Have you ever thought of pitching your site to a TV show? Really, you'd be amazing! I really like how utilitarian the parka is. It won't get dirty and scruffy--I dig the metallic and the shape is kinda snug and sexy. And hey, most important, you'll be toasty! At the end of the day, you know how 50 buck-a-roos to spend on something amazing to add to your vintage love! As for a shopping necessity that is a must that sucks...SOCKS!!!!! I hate buying socks. I always lose them. They aren't fun and are very overpriced. The worst part is no one ever sees them and I just feel they are a waste. Damn the sock! Well done lady---you've made us all green again! xoxox--one of 365

the healthy ghost said...

It must be really warm.

Seeker said...

Seems so warm, dear!!!
Again you're such a smart-shopper!!!

Hope you're having a nice weekend


Rianna said...

i just dont find shopping boring! I LOVE ANY KIND OF SHOPPING!
Rianna Bethany xxxxxxxxxxxx

Sharon said...

hi everyone-thanks for the lovely comments!!

Marian said...

honey great parka and wonderful saving made!

Bonnie said...

Hi, is it really starting to get chilly where you're at? Great find with that coat. Very snuggly!


Tracey said...

I always see something on someone or in a magazine and I want it. Invariably it is way out of my budget so sometimes I decide that I have to find something similar. So I go shopping and I find that when I am in that state of mind, it becomes boring. I never find anything that is the same as the pic in my mind. Why do I always see things that I want when I can't afford it!!

Great parka by the way, its great when you manage to find a piece that ticks all your boxes and is a bargain. That's why ebay is the best.

oneof365 said...

I know you've had it a zillion times (deservedly) but an award waits for you in my blog!

xoxox--One of 365

nurmisur said...

A winter coat is something in which I will have to invest this year.It's dull, not the pettiest of things , but vital in Canada's weather. That an some warm boots.

Meg said...

Warm winter coats are very important, especially when it snows!

AsianCajuns (Lauren) said...

I know exactly what you mean about dull clothes shopping- although I think this parka is fab and will look gorgeous on you!
I hate, hate trouser shopping. I'm a skirt/dress/shorts girl and I just can't get behind trousers- bleh ;)

Sharon said...

Hi ladies-once again, many thanks for all your lovely comments, always much appreciated!!


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