
Farhi Skirt Find!!

In my wardrobe, I have a lot of jeans, a lot of dresses, a lot of tops, but not a lot of skirts-to be precise after more thrifting recently, I've 2 black skirts, 3 denim skirts and 2 summer skirts.

This includes this fabulous find last month at the Cancer Research charity shop-it's by Nicole Farhi and was only £4.25!!!

I chose it not just for the label, but the gorgeous pattern and the fullness-it is lined and feels very full and swingy to wear. I'm very picky when it comes to skirts, maybe thats why I don't have many in my wardrobe!!

What sort of items are scarce in your wardrobe, I'd love to know??


ellie said...

I so love that skirt. Its like you can bring the flowers garden with you. Great with the jacket.

Oh, I have been eyeing various tights since seeing Diamondcanopy always with unique tights. It might really freshen the wardrobe this fall and winter. Plus I might wear more of my skirts if I have tight.

Thanks for the note too.

Fashion_Loving_Stylist said...

What a fantastic find. I have to say I'm a bit low on the separates, lots of dresses but little tops and bottoms.

J. said...

What a wonderful skirt!

Make Do Style said...

I'm really picky when it comes to skirt I have 6 and that includes my two recent purchases.

Glad you liked my post - how funny was that. I really kept wondering where I'd seen it before and then bingo I searched your site!!

Easy to find thanks to your handy labelling - how do you set up those categories?

The Small Fabric Of My Life said...

That is one beautiful skirt and looks fantastic on you.

Anika said...

Hey Bella,
That's a beautiful skirt indeed. I'm particularly partial to full a-line skirts...whether they're full length of to the knee or shorter.

Hmmm, I'll have to think about what's scarce in my closet. Probably nothing to be honest....too much in mine ;)

Oh wait, nude coloured items. I'm seriously lacking nude items. Into nudes in a big way so will have to go thrifting :)

What have you been upto this weekend, m'dear? Hope you and the fam have had a great weekend


Marian said...

That is a cute skirt! the print is charming. another great find dear.hope yoru having agood wknd

Cadmium said...

gorgeous find! so feminine.
i need to stock up on tops for colder weather, long sleeves and sweaters. somehow i find it easier to find nice summer things...

www.janetteria.com said...

I adore it! Great find Sharon!


Make Do Style said...

Hi - I always label my posts but you've got the link of love thing on gadgets - how did you do that!!??

lunarossa said...

Great skirt and super combined with your denim jacket and red top! I'm also scarce of skirts. The weather is usually too cold here and I hate wearing tights, so I end up with trousers most of the time. Ciao. A.

Anonymous said...

For me it's shorts. I don't have many. I usually wear skirts in the summer time instead. And I just love the pattern on yours!

Style At Every Age said...

I have a farhi skirt exactly the same shape but with a lemon and greeny/grey pattern, wasn't quite as cheap as yours though.....

Angela said...

i am sorta like you, i don't have many skirts compare to the rest of the categories.

Winnie said...

I actually don't own any trousers. I have a few pairs of jeans and a pair of black trousers for work purposes but otherwise, nothing!

I find it really difficult finding a pair because I'm so short and have to have everything altered, so it's much easier sticking with skirts and dresses!

Seeker said...

A great find, my dear as always, so nice!!!
Have a nice week


loft in SoHo said...

Cute skirt, great find!!!!!!
looks perfect on you.


Gerri Ward said...

WOW! This is solely a FABULOUSLY GORGEOUS skirt! I LUV, LUV, LUV it!
Once again YOU have find another AMAZING FIND that I'm drooling over!!!:)

Haute World said...

I used to by skirts more than anything else, so I decided to stop buying them last year... I just had too many ;-) But ironically I do need a simple black skirt and can wear with anything. Love this piece... especially the colors and the shape. Yet another terrific find! Hope you had a lovely weekend by the way :)

yiqin; said...

The print of the skirt is fab :D

Sharon said...

Hi ladies-all such lovely comments, thanks so much, they're all very much appreciated!!

cass and cady said...

reminds me of a certain wall paper. Very cool.

nurmisur said...

Skirts are also a minority in my wardrobe.And I find it dificult to find interesting skirts with a good shape for me.
Your find, as usual is lovely and your outfit looks really good on you.

oneof365 said...

First of all, that charity shop must not know who Nicole Farhi is. 4.25! I bet you they were selling crummy brollies for more! The skirt is so lovely. I adore the thick waistband because of the flatness it will give to the stomach area and of course the cut is gorgeous for the fullness of the skirt itself. The pattern, like all Farhi, is exotic and lovely, and looks great on you. It hits you in the perfect place on the leg and I love it with the denim jacket. I could also see this on a holiday with a dressy white tank, and strappy heels. Lucky gal!
What is missing in my wardrobe? Hmmmmm....shorts. I know it sounds nuts, but I'd really like some funky, on-trend shorts. Shorts to wear with fab sandals or shorts to wear with tights and boots. Send me some cute shorts! xoxoxooxxox great score on the Farhi! --One of 365

love home|life|style said...

You are so totally amazing at finding such amazing bargains! I can't believe this find for £4.25!!!!!!!

My wardrobe lacks trousers, big time, I have 1 pair! I pretty much live in skirts and dresses. Am starting to get back into jeans though, I'd gone right off them for a while, not even sure why.

So nice to see you, missed you in my lazy absence!.

La Mimi said...

Love the skirt you got...it's very flattering and looks fantastic on you:)
I think I have a bit of everything right now in my closet. So, I'd like to get more of everything ...haha;)


Mom Fashion World said...

i love the skirt so much!
it's not only you bought but you also help the
cancer society foundation.
i've lots of skirts but i haven't tried any skirts
like yours yet.


WendyB said...

I wonder if your thrifting luck will rub off on me if I stand REALLY REALLY close to you.

Sharon said...

Hi ladies-thanks for all of your wonderful comments, they are really so much appreciated!!

budgetchic said...

Fab casual look, I need a skirt like that. So cute!

Sharon said...

Thanks budget chic!!


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